Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                       August 27, 2009


Looking tan, fit and feisty, President Bill took full control of the small band of loser Rotarians who showed up at the Roger while the better class of people were in Cape Cod, Nantucket or hob nobbing with the Obamas on Martha’s Vineyard.  Not only did he ding the bell at the appointed hour and lead the Pledge in a strong and confident voice, but, in an unprecedented display of versatility, offered the blessing.  There were those who found the Walbert prayer offensive, but nonetheless, a three fer!  Pretty impressive.


Bill rose from the trough promptly at 12:45, a first for his reign, and asked for introduction of Visiting Rotarians and guests.  There being none of the former in the room, Mike Hobbs tried to make up for last week’s gaffe by introducing, for the last time, his guest, New Canaan Library poobah Alice Knapp.  The President eschewed the introduction of Chris DeMuth, Jr. as a guest.


Further cementing his place as the most versatile chief in recent memory, Bill then took on the sergeant-at-arms duties.  Though he did not have even any C material, he did pass among us and collect a few fines, the most notable of which came from Keith Simpson who expressed gratitude that his design of the Forest Street streetscape was finally coming to fruition.


Continuing his one man band exhibition, Bill then announced that both Alice Knapp and Chris DeMuth had met the stringent admission criteria and, in spite of no pin, no badge, no certificate, no four way test and no rule book or history of Rotary, were now members of our local club.  The hazing, the song, the grip will have to wait for another day.  Chris was then given the extemporaneous autobiography test which he passed with flying colors.  He was born in Philadelphia, moved around on the east coast, went to William and Mary where he snaked his wife, the fair Elizabeth Townsend of the New Canaan Townsends, from a friend.  Following a term in the U.S. Senate [if I understood him correctly], he now runs a hedge fund with his father-in-law.  Alice, on her way to Wales for a cycling vacation, was spared for the moment.


By now Bill was so wound up that he announced that John Engle had, in an amazingly short two weeks, arranged the first annual Rotary Golf Tournament and proceeded with sufficient detail that when Joe Rucci finally shamed him into letting John talk, President John Adams emerged from his post prandial slumber and excoriated John for talking too long.  The gist of the deal is that on October 14 we will have at the Country Club of New Canaan a lunch, a fun [as opposed to too serious] tournament, followed by a cocktail hour with heavy hors d’ouevres and a raffle for the bargain price of $250.  John will let us know what the tariff will be for those who do not wish to golf, but would like to drink heavily following the competition.  Spouses are welcome at all activities.  More to follow.  The proceeds will go in their entirety to match the Gates Foundation grant to Polio Plus.


David Rucci then gave a somewhat vague progress report on the Lobsterfest.  The takeaway was that we all need to sell, sell, sell, get our money in to David, and plan to work as much of the time from 2:00 on Friday through Saturday night as possible.  We still need sponsors and benefactors willing to donate beverages, etc.  Tony’s Deli is gifting the cole slaw.


Finally, Trish reported that she can still fit another few people on the bus to Montreal.  You certainly don’t want to be one of the losers who miss this incredible opportunity, so speak to the spouse and get your reservation in to Trish immediately.  This week’s Montreal Moment:  Little Italy:  Experience a full-blown Italian dinner, complete with violin music at your table and authentic gelato, or shop the Marche Jean-Talon, a farmers’ market overflowing with fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers and pastries.  Note for our Italian members:  Eat the fruit, veggies and pastries; look at the flowers.



Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                            August 20, 2009


In the absence of our esteemed President Bill Walbert, President-Elect Scott Hobbs stepped into the breach and rang the bell smartly at 12:15, led the Pledge with military precision and, in the absence of Chaplain Ad, called on the good doctor John Kerchoff who graced us with a generic blessing.  When Ad slunk in late he went meekly to the rear of the chow line and experienced life as the peasants know it.


Amy Wilkinson announced last week that she has joined the Domus Foundation, a Stamford based organization servicing the needs of over 600 children from unfortunate circumstances.  This week, by happenstance, our speaker came from Domus.  More about her later.


Stand-in Scott arose at 12:45, giving himself ample time to run the business portion of the meeting.  There were no Visiting Rotarians, but Mike Hobbs had two guests;  New Canaan Library Director Alice Knapp, whom he failed to introduce [possibly from the fatigue of having introduced her so many times before, or possibly because he is losing it] and rising Duke sophomore Taylor Clarke, a former student leader at NCHS.


Trish reported that an additional five couples have responded positively to her R.I. Convention initiative.  It is becoming clear that you had better get your name on the list pretty darn quickly if you don’t want to be left in the lower 48.  This week’s “Montreal Moment:”  Ile Ste-Helene:  This island is home to the Biosphere, dedicated to environmental education and housed in a spherical dome designed by Buckminster Fuller.


Wearing his Lobsterfest hat, Scott reminded everyone to sell tickets, get their checks in to either him or David Rucci, to continue to solicit philanthropic partners [Keith Simpson has successfully recruited the Newcomers Club], and to mark their calendars for the Friday and Saturday evening shifts [the event won’t work without most people working more than one shift].  This is the event that makes all the fun giving possible.  Suck it up and do your share!


Wearing his Sergeant-at Arms hat, the versatile Scott then explained the theory of intelligence according to Cliff Claven.  Most enlightening.  As he moved among the crowd, Steve Risbridger volunteered a happy dollar for an anniversary [he couldn’t remember which.  Gee, I hope this doesn’t get him in trouble at home].


Ken Campbell then introduced our speaker, Domus teacher Garland Walton, a recent Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar to France, the result of what she described as a lifelong “unhealthy obsession” with that country.  She explained the application process, what she wanted from the experience, what she did while in France, her impressions of the country and its people, and how she has used this unique experience to inspire her Domus students.  Judging from her performance here, we could not have had a better ambassador.


Maurice Chevalier






Friday, August 14, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                      August 13, 2009


As Pogo would say, “Friday the thirteenth came on a Thursday this month.”  Perhaps it was Pogo masquerading as President Bill who arrived early, distributed copies of the Club Assembly agenda and commenced the meeting at the appointed hour.  It clearly could not have been Bill himself!  He then called on Ad who invoked the blessing of the Almighty on our humble band and then had everyone straining to hear the inevitable post script as his voice trailed off to almost nothing.  Your scrivener was able only to determine that it was another bogus quote from the Bard, but not the content.  Perhaps, just as well.


Bringing further doubt as to the true identity of the person who looked like Bill, our leader rose at 12:47 [the approved moment] to ask for the introduction of visiting Rotarians and/or guests.  There being only one, the hirsute Paul Burnham from Wilton, the meeting progressed to the Sergeant-at-arms segment with Scott explaining the Professor Gates situation according to Dave Chappell.  Very enlightening.


President Bill then explained that he did not like to be rushed and had, therefore, not revealed the names of any of the officers or directors for the 2009-2010 Rotary year.  Having become comfortable in his role as supreme leader, now, he opined was the time.  Scott Hobbs is the president-elect, Jim Kreitler the treasurer, Marty Skrelunas the secretary, Roy Riggio membership, Sandy Parks NC Rotary Foundation, Caroline Clark public relations, Ben Bilus Rotary International Foundation, Ken Campbell programs, Andy Kerchoff webmaster, Phil McLain literacy chair, Fred Baker service projects, floating directors [whatever that means] Ron Balzano and Rob Avery, and, most importantly, bulletin editors Hobbs, Sisson, Robinson and the gracefully aging President John Adams. Quite a cast of characters!


Treasurer Jim gave the treasurer’s report and entertained no questions, suggesting instead that they be aimed directly at the SEC.  The upshot is that we all need to pay our dues promptly.


Scott then led a discussion regarding the upcoming 2009 edition of the Lobsterfest.  We are still trying to enlist non-profit [intentionally, not like Tomaselli Associates] partners to aid in the sale of tickets for the modest bribe of $10 per .  Long tall Steve volunteered to attract 6-8 sponsors who will be recognized on tray liners at the event.  For a larger fee additional sponsors will be recognized in press releases and, perhaps, signage at the venue.  Everyone was reminded to, “Sell, sell, sell.”  In addition Scott reminded the membership that a single shift by each member will not get it done.  We need multiple shifts from everyone and at least one of those will need to be Friday and/or Saturday evening.


President Pogo [or whoever he was] then initiated a discussion of alternatives for a second fundraiser which led to John Engel and Ron Balzano volunteering to investigate the possibility of a reasonably priced golf tournament and raffle.  They will determine a time, place and price and report back.


Bill mentioned a couple of important dates:  September 14 meeting re membership in Westport, October 3 meeting re Foundation in Westport, and October 31 meeting for new Rotarians somewhere.  This led to a spirited call for members to discuss with their significant others attending the Montreal Rotary International Convention June 20-23, 2010.  Trish Messina is quarterbacking this effort.  All we will have to do is show up at the appointed place and get on the bus which she will have waiting for us, get our bags from the bus to our hotel rooms which she will have reserved and, three days later, reverse the process.  Past Rotary trips, whether to District Conventions or to Europe have been great bonding experiences and the source of endless stories [some actually true].  The first of several “Montreal Moments:”  In June, Rotarians at the R.I. Convention in Montreal, Que., Canada will find the city to be warm – with an average temperature of about 70 degrees – and inviting.  And as its 1,000 parks and 1.5 million balconies attest, this is a city that’s best experienced en plein air.  Take a stroll through its ethnic enclaves and shopping meccas, or relax and people-watch from a park bench or sidewalk café.  More to come.


Guy Lafleur

Thursday, August 06, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                            August 6, 2009


President Bill was in the house and rang the bell promptly at 12:15, led the pledge in a loud and confident baritone, and then, with virtually no warning, called on Rabbi Ben Bilus for another of his inspirational Hebrew blessings which Mike Hobbs simultaneously translated into WASP.  All in all an improvement over Bill’s unexcused and unannounced absence of a week ago.


The Roger produced another delicious repast which must have distracted President Bill from his duties as he waited until 12:55 before rising to request the introduction of visiting Rotarians and guests.  Mike Hobbs introduced NC Library Executive Director Alice Knapp for the umpteenth time and Fireman Fred introduced visiting Rotarian John Grabowski who is apparently being stalked by Chase DiPanni.


Co-Lobsterfest impresario David Rucci, still trying to emerge from the rather large shadow of his rapidly aging father, distributed 12 tickets to each Rotarian and announced that this year he has had them numbered and recorded so as to facilitate persecution of recalcitrant salespersons.  He assured the membership that the beatings will continue until the morale improves.  He also initiated the selective distribution of tickets for some of our new partner organizations.  For those of you who have been in Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard, we are, this year for the first time, offering to partner with other non-profits [especially previous grant recipients] and splitting the ticket price with them.  If you need further details, contact either David or his partner-in-crime Scott Hobbs.  If you need more tickets contact David or Scott.  They also have brochures and posters for distribution and display.


The Pres needs email rsvp’s for the Bridgeport Bluefish outing on Saturday, August 22 at 6:30 so that Mike Mayo can reserve the appropriate block of seats for $10.00 per ticket, which he plans to do tomorrow.  Time is, therefore, of the essence.


Bill announced that next week’s meeting will be an eagerly anticipated Club Assembly.  Having watched the well-oiled Walbert presidency in its opening weeks, one can only imagine what inspirational gems he will have for us on the thirteenth.


In Trish Messina’s absence, your scrivener suggests that members take the long view and speak with their spouses about accompanying Trish and her merry band to the International Convention in Montreal at the end of June 2010.  The list of benefits that will accrue to the Club as the result of this activity are too numerous to mention…so I won’t.  Just sign up and see for yourself!


By this time Bill had severely cut into the speaker’s time [Note to Bill:  If you start your part of the meeting at 12:45 this won’t happen], but without apology, he asked Ken to introduce Darice Baylor.  She is a journalist, author and teacher who became interested in the story of the 1957 integration of Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas  This led to her exposure to football coach Wilson Mathews who was a legend at the school and in the state.  He was an old school motivator who used fear and confrontation to get young men to face their challenges and overcome adversity.  She read a chapter from the draft of a book she is writing about Coach Mathews which illustrated both his methods and results.  The bottom line is that Coach Mathews would probably not be allowed to coach in today’s academic environment, but that he had been a primary positive influence in the lives of most of his players.  A very thought-provoking and interesting presentation indeed.


Vince Lombardi