Thursday, August 06, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                            August 6, 2009


President Bill was in the house and rang the bell promptly at 12:15, led the pledge in a loud and confident baritone, and then, with virtually no warning, called on Rabbi Ben Bilus for another of his inspirational Hebrew blessings which Mike Hobbs simultaneously translated into WASP.  All in all an improvement over Bill’s unexcused and unannounced absence of a week ago.


The Roger produced another delicious repast which must have distracted President Bill from his duties as he waited until 12:55 before rising to request the introduction of visiting Rotarians and guests.  Mike Hobbs introduced NC Library Executive Director Alice Knapp for the umpteenth time and Fireman Fred introduced visiting Rotarian John Grabowski who is apparently being stalked by Chase DiPanni.


Co-Lobsterfest impresario David Rucci, still trying to emerge from the rather large shadow of his rapidly aging father, distributed 12 tickets to each Rotarian and announced that this year he has had them numbered and recorded so as to facilitate persecution of recalcitrant salespersons.  He assured the membership that the beatings will continue until the morale improves.  He also initiated the selective distribution of tickets for some of our new partner organizations.  For those of you who have been in Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard, we are, this year for the first time, offering to partner with other non-profits [especially previous grant recipients] and splitting the ticket price with them.  If you need further details, contact either David or his partner-in-crime Scott Hobbs.  If you need more tickets contact David or Scott.  They also have brochures and posters for distribution and display.


The Pres needs email rsvp’s for the Bridgeport Bluefish outing on Saturday, August 22 at 6:30 so that Mike Mayo can reserve the appropriate block of seats for $10.00 per ticket, which he plans to do tomorrow.  Time is, therefore, of the essence.


Bill announced that next week’s meeting will be an eagerly anticipated Club Assembly.  Having watched the well-oiled Walbert presidency in its opening weeks, one can only imagine what inspirational gems he will have for us on the thirteenth.


In Trish Messina’s absence, your scrivener suggests that members take the long view and speak with their spouses about accompanying Trish and her merry band to the International Convention in Montreal at the end of June 2010.  The list of benefits that will accrue to the Club as the result of this activity are too numerous to mention…so I won’t.  Just sign up and see for yourself!


By this time Bill had severely cut into the speaker’s time [Note to Bill:  If you start your part of the meeting at 12:45 this won’t happen], but without apology, he asked Ken to introduce Darice Baylor.  She is a journalist, author and teacher who became interested in the story of the 1957 integration of Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas  This led to her exposure to football coach Wilson Mathews who was a legend at the school and in the state.  He was an old school motivator who used fear and confrontation to get young men to face their challenges and overcome adversity.  She read a chapter from the draft of a book she is writing about Coach Mathews which illustrated both his methods and results.  The bottom line is that Coach Mathews would probably not be allowed to coach in today’s academic environment, but that he had been a primary positive influence in the lives of most of his players.  A very thought-provoking and interesting presentation indeed.


Vince Lombardi


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