Friday, October 09, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                      October 8, 2009


President Bill, resplendent in suede saddle shoes, kicked the meeting into high gear at precisely 12:15.  After leading the Pledge in a strong and confident voice, he called on his guest, recently arrived Methodist minister Eric Fjeldal, for an inspirational blessing.  As Bill later pointed out, on Eric’s first visit he was asked to speak, on his second to ask the blessing and next time to cook the meal.  It’s not easy being the Walberts’ pastor.  Eric appears to be cut from the same bolt of cloth as our all time favorite clergyman, Pastor Paul Sartorio.  One can only hope.


Guests, in addition to Pastor Eric, included the hirsute Paul Burnham and a very interesting California hydrologist, whose name your humble scrivener failed to record, who was driving from California to Florida by way of North Dakota.  Curious.


Frank Bernardo was called on to fulfill the sgt-at-arms’ duties and responded with Long Tall Steve’s copyrighted response, “I got nuthin’.”  Which turned out to be an understatement.  Nevertheless, matching Frankie the Claw’s gesture of last week, Peter M. Santella, resplendent in titanium hip, dropped a cool $100 on Frank for having missed his first Lobsterfest while recuperating at Waveny.  President Bill countered with a happy $10 which he lamely claimed was all his 26th anniversary with the fair Laura warranted.  Difficult to understand, really.  Frank completed his rounds with an overflowing collection plate, a feat not overlooked by Pastor Eric who appeared ready to make a proselytising move on Frank using the example of Italian Methodist Pastor Paul.


There was an eerie silence regarding the outcome of the Lobsterfest.  Co-Lobster Czar David Rucci sat mute while his partner, Scott Hobbs, was last seen boarding an aircraft bound for the Twin Cities.  None of this may have significance.  Time will tell.


A respectful hush overcame the normally raucus assemblage as Firemen Fred rose and announced that National Fire Prevention Week is upon us.  Change all smoke and fire detector batteries and make plans to attend the open house at Fire Company no. 1 this weekend.


President Bill, whose multicolored and patterned costume was evocative of Johnny Miller in the 70’s, then reviewed plans for Wednesday’s first annual Rotary Golf Extravaganza.  There will be no meeting on Thursday, October 15.  Instead all Rotarian golfers are to appear at the highly exclusive Country Club of New Canaan at 11:45 on Wednesday, the 14th, to register, purchase miscellaneous mulligans, raffle tickets, etc., have lunch, warm up and be on the tee at 1:00 sharp.  Following a stimulating 18 holes the golfers will be joined in the ballroom by their non-golfing compatriots for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, raffle prize drawings and witty repartee.  All members are encouraged to participate in as many of the activities as possible since all proceeds are targeted to completing the worldwide polio eradication effort audaciously launched by Rotary International back in 1985.  The vision of President Bill in plus-fours and tam-o-shanter alone should be worth the price of admission.


Ron Balzano then, in a blatant effort to secure more playing time for his son, introduced NCHS Head Football Coach Lou Marinelli.  In truth, the introduction listing Lou’s many accomplishments over a 27 year career here, took a good part of his allocated speaking time.  His tenure has been extraordinary and his last few years have been the stuff of legends.  Lou informed and entertained us with observations about the athletes, coaches and administrators he has encountered while at NCHS , some of his teams’ more memorable events, and some comments about the contemporary athlete and his/her parents.  Lou is a community resource and, as he was assured several times during lunch, we are squarely behind him, win or tie.


Montreal Moment:  Vieux-Montreal:  Historic churches and art galleries line the Old City’s cobblestone streets.  Best explored on foot, the area features Basilique Notre-Dame and the café-lined Place Jacques-Cartier.  In the evenings, you can take a guided ghost walk.


Joe Pa

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Rotary Golf Outing and Cocktail Party

Though I can’t guarantee that the 14th will be as beautiful as today, what better time than today to invite your golfers and/or cocktail party friends.  There is no nobler cause than polio eradication.  Checks are to New Canaan Rotary, so that we can make one donation to the Rotary International Foundation/ Polio.  You can mail your checks, or bring them on the 14th


It should be lots of fun.


BTW, if you have a raffle prize or silent auction item, please let me know.  We are developing quite a list.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Rotary Club of New Canaan - Oct 1 09

Rotary Club of New Canaan

October 1, 2009


In a stentorian tone, President Walbert opened the meeting. Looking around for guests, he asked Ex Pres. Robinson, if she was a guest, leaving her even more confused than ever. After a convoluted synopsis of the LobsterFest, Pres. Walbert asked if everyone understood him, not realizing that no one understands him, ever. He thanked the Unholy Trinity … Andy Kerchoff, David Rucci and Scott Hobbs for their extraordinary effort. Unaware that flying below the radar is time-honored and acceptable strategy, Andy was stunned to realize that his well-meaning and herculean efforts resulted in his being crowned King of LobsterFest 2010. Long live the King!!!

In the interest of accumulating additional funds next year, committees are being set up to seek out corporate sponsors and to provide community outreach that will encourage other organizations to buy tickets for the event. It was reported that over 1,000 lobsters donated their lives for the cause.

John Engle spoke about the Golf Outing on October 14th. Andy Kerchoff, with the glow that comes from a job well done, indicated that he would be there and then asked if anyone had golf clubs he could borrow. Tiger apparently has little to fear. Lunch is followed by a 1:00 tee off time and a cocktail party beginning around 5:30.  Golfing fee is $250/per golfer and checks should be made out to the New Canaan Rotary Club. The party is $50, will include a raffle for $5 in which no prizes will be offered, and all proceeds going to Rotary International’s Eradication of Polio. Contact everyone you know who might be interested.


Under the category of exciting news, Frank Bernardo noted that he made a donation of $100 due to his first absence in 19 years from the LobsterFest. “Beer Here!!” concession. Frank was missed. I don’t care what anyone says.

Thanks were given to Fred Baker for providing jet-fueled burners and a new stainless steel lobster pot which facilitated the endless wait for the pot to boil.

President Walbert gleefully reported that the Phillies, for a third year in a row, clinched the division championship. Philadelphia is also the town that has recently welcomed Michael (he’s now an Eagle, so hide your beagle) Vick to the City of Brotherly Love.

In one of the most inept and startlingly inaccurate introductions ever, George Baker introduced Select Person Sally Hines. George noted that Sally is a graduate of Amherst, a 12 year survivor of the Board of Education and that her husband is a phrenologist, a somewhat obscure 19th century pseudo-science that involved analyzing the bumps on one’s head; which left most of us scratching ours. Sally enlightened us by explaining that her husband is a nephrologist.  George redeemed himself by adding that Sally has brought a new level of cordiality, helpfulness and professionalism to Town Hall, no doubt as a result of her being a Democrat, a group known for their social skills.

A 20 year resident of New Canaan, Sally said that the town faces some complex issues and that we live in unsettled times, including economic and health issues that reverberate at a local level. Opening the floor for questions the topic of Zone D was discussed and the possibility of it being made into a vital business area. Studies have shown that a mixed use of space which includes business, residential, cultural and entertainment are what most people want in a downtown area.

An intriguing question asked Sally why she was a Democrat, a breed as indigenous to New Canaan as gazelles. She spoke of the philosophy that we are all in this together which she believes is prevalent in her party and that she was raised by a Rockefeller Republican (fiscally conservative and socially liberal). She spoke of her early and continuing support for President Obama, a statement which precipitated the question from yet another member as to did she seriously expect to be elected in this town while supporting the President. It was timely pointed out to this individual that Sally Hines has already been elected, and will be again … as a Democrat, supporting Obama.

Someone find a phrenologist.


Respectfully submitted,

Franz Joseph Gall