Thursday, May 24, 2007


In the twilight of a mediocre career President Nancy called the meeting to order [sort of – there was a group of difficult to control rabble in the outer room who finally settled down at “and to the republic…”] and called on Chaplain Tomaselli to ask the blessing on this brilliant spring day. He confused our guests by singling out American corporate ceo’s for special consideration. Something about may God have mercy on their souls [or was it soles?]. A shaky start to a greatly anticipated allocations luncheon.

Our esteemed leader then rose to her full four foot ten and, with an unseemly smirk, declared that she was changing the normal cadence of the meeting “because I can!” The power has clearly gone to her head. In any event, she called for each of our numerous guests to stand and introduce herself [non-gender specific]. Following that impressive group Joe Rucci broke into the proceedings and introduced Bob Cocks from the Bank of New Canaan and then announced to a highly skeptical room that he “had nothing to say.” With the benefit of hindsight I can assure you, dear reader, that he, in fact, uttered not another sound throughout the balance of the meeting. Mirable dictu!

Giovanni and the steadfast Roger Sherman crew then served the day’s repast to a record crowd, including a number of stragglers who were accommodated due to the kindness of strangers. Innkeeper Tom was seen furtively peeking from the kitchen during the lull between salad and main course. When the entrees were distributed he seemed greatly relieved. Such was his transcendence that David Bryant reported Tom absent though he was clearly present and only obscured by being in the shadow of the imposing John Engel.

Nancy welcomed the grant recipients and called on David “Deadwood” Bryant, chair of the Allocations Committee, to speak briefly and then hand out the checks. In an attempt to explain the New Canaan Rotary Club culture to the guests old Deadwood compared us to an old mining camp like, say, Deadwood. The guests seemed to appreciate the analogy as they received their nuggets from his hand. Graciously accepting checks this year were representatives of the YMCA, UN Group Afgan Committee, NC Mounted Troop, HALO Trust, Meals on Wheels, NC Cares, Outback, STAR, Waveny Lodge, Waveny Care Network, NC Library [once again raising the conflict of interest issue], Girl Scout Council, Carriage Barn Arts Center, PAWS, Nursing and Home Care, Americares Free Clinics, Domestic Violence Crisis Center, Camp Hand-in-Hand, NC Fire Department, NCHS Post Prom, NC Historical Society, NC Police Department, and the fair Margo Sisson accepting for the Getabout. The aforementioned Innkeeper Tom then accepted a donation to his friend Derek Pope’s Kenya school which will, apparently, be used to pay bribes. All in all a really inspirational day.

Scott Hobbs, recognizing both an opportunity and a learning moment, then sprang to his feet and reminded the recipient representatives that if their members all ate at the Lobsterfest this year, next year’s contribution could be larger. The marketing committee should followup with a letter to each organization .

Not to be outdone, Leo 111 rose and praised Scott for his Iraqi Kids initiative and announced that he had recently bought a used military ambulance on spec and would be looking for help to get it delivered to Dr. Tom Flynn’s hospital in Haiti. Yet another example of the Rotary spirit at work, trying to make this troubled world a better place. More inspiration!

Paul Farmer*

*For those of you who don’t know who Paul Farmer is, and I suspect this encompasses pretty much everyone, run, don’t walk, to the NC Library and get Tracy Kidder’s book Mountains Beyond Mountains. At some future time we will discuss how it is possible that our society knows who Paris Hilton is, but has never heard of Paul Farmer.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Rotary Bulletin 5/17/07


New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                 May 17, 2007


Our President, smartly clad in aquamarine,  struck the bell the way you would expect someone named “Nancy” to strike it [with a soft, tentative, feminine, mincing kind of blow], led the Pledge and deferred to Chaplain Ad who postulated that the Lord had spared him when, 52 years ago this very day he was plucked from the Pacific after his ship had been sunk by the Japanese, in order to avert chaos in the New Canaan Rotary Club many years later.


The Robinson/Rucci feud reached new heights [or depths] as the meeting progressed.  Poor soft, tentative, feminine, mincing, little Nancy repeatedly savaged by hard, Neanderthal, plodding, overbearing Rucci.  It made one wonder how the bullying attorney was selected to be the Gridiron Club 2007 fall guy.  What would his mother say if she were to be privy to his behavior?  Fortunately Nancy need tolerate his assaults with diplomatic forebearance for only another month.  She will then be free to retire to her new dwelling in upstate New York as soon as the snow melts.  In that part of the world, this normally occurs in early August.


Guests today included Gene Tonkavich, Roy Riggio, both with the above mentioned Rucci the Elder, the formidable Dr. Jim Rini, and from the Bank of New Canaan new president Bob Cocks and Patrick Hoey.


Phil McLain reported that he had presented Rotary sponsored dictionaries  to all third graders at East School.  He indicated that they were scary smart and asked really hard questions.  He seemed relieved to be shed of the little devils.


Responding to yet another Rucci barb, President Nancy reminded the membership that the end of her term of office and Amy’s installation will occur on the evening of June 28 at the Roger Sherman.  Cocktails will be served starting at 6:30 and spouses/significant others are welcome.  She asked that those who plan to attend RSVP to the Roger.


Scott Hobbs then rose wearing three hats.  He was seeking sponsorships to cover Lobsterfest expenses.  He thanked those who have contributed either stuffed animals or money, or both to the Iraqi Kids campaign.  Over 600 animals have been shipped with another 1,000 ready to be sent.  And then he regaled the crowd with a practicum on how to assault an elderly woman in an alley while carrying paint, chickens and a swan.


Phil Mc Lain then introduced the day’s speaker, Mike Milvestead, Phil’s yoga instructor.  Ad inquired why instruction was necessary – he used to be the catcher for the Yankees.  Moving right along, Mike explained how he had evolved from a Gonzaga “Zag” to a Navy supply officer on a fast attack nuclear submarine [and in the process became the inventor of nuclear yoga],  to treasurer of Lehman Brothers to Phil’s yoga slave.  Much like the shoe shine guy in Bonfire of the Vanities, Mike comes to Phil’s office several time a month and services him on the spot.  A very interesting and interactive program.


Next week is one of the highlights of the Rotary year – the Allocations Luncheon.  Be there or be square.


Tom Wolfe



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Monday, May 14, 2007

Rotary Bulletin 5/10/07

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                         May 10, 2007


President Nancy, in an unprecedented move. rang the bell three minutes early.  The small crowd in attendance was so taken aback that it took until “of the United States of America” before they joined Nancy in the recitation of the Pledge.   Pastor Adolph then offered a blessing and acknowledged that we humble humans were starting to get the message that God is angry.  Therefore, according to Ad, no more fire, floods or pestilence are required at this time.   We can only hope that Heaven was receiving what Adolph was sending!


As dessert was being served Nancy’s waiter placed her cake in front of her while she was turned away speaking to one of her subjects.  When she impulsively turned back to her place, she put her hand on the table, only to discover that the cake had interceded.  When the rest of the table saw what she had done they too smushed their hands into their cake, much as the French Court would have done had Louis XIV done what Nancy had.  Following an extensive cleanup Nancy rose to start the meeting and announced that she has but two more meetings before she reverts to being one of the little people.  Whereupon Amy started chanting, “four more years.”  Then, as Nancy found herself near the door an early departee placed his fine money in Nancy’s willing hands.  She remarked that she liked having men put money in her hands to which David Rucci quipped,” I bet this isn’t the first time it’s happened.”  The consensus was that, without disputing the veracity of David”s remark, it was in poor form.


Guests included new Bank of NC President Robert G. Cocks,Jr., a current Rotarian from Vernon, CT, Patrick Hoey from BoNC, and Lee Wilson who, though married to the mighty Marty Skrelunas mysteriously has a different name.  Let’s see, Wilson/Skrelunas…Skrelunas/Wilson.  Maybe not so mysterious after all.


Our vaunted Leader announced that a few spots are still open for the District Assembly in Saratoga, NY from May30 through June 3.  If you too would like to give Nancy some money, sign up now.


Fred Baker shared the news that the Westport Rotary golf outing will be held at the rejuvenated Longshore Country Club sometime in June.  David Bryant announced his intention to show up on the first and wait for the starter to send him off.


Scott Hobbs then reported that both money and stuffed animals are flowing into his Iraqi Kids effort.  There is no limit and the need is ongoing.  When you think  how fortunate we are to be here in the bosom of our families, enjoying our privileged way of life, we need to find ways to show our support for the members of our Armed Forces and their families who sacrifice so much to make that possible.  Great initiative, Scott!


Scott then donned his sergeant’s hat and, after giving a lesson in semantics, collected a bundle.


Scott’s aging father then arose and introduced a man who needed no introduction, but he insisted, Rob Malozzi.  Rob, a third generation NC retailer, head of the Downtown Study Committee and Fourth of July Fireworks celebration, volunteer firefighter, etc. is running for a seat on the Board of Selectmen.  He explained how he had arrived at his decision to run, the issues he believes are most important, his preferred style, and his priorities.  He then fielded questions from the audience and, in an ecumenical anomaly, adopted a campaign slogan spontaneously created by Democrat George Baker: “New Canaan, a town not sort of a country club.”  Pithy!


In the coming weeks we will hear from 11 Democrat and 10 Republican Presidential candidates, three First Selectman candidates, three Board of Selectman, numerous Town Council, Board of Ed, Constable and Justice of the Peace hopefuls.  It’s just important to remember that Rotary is not political.


Dennis Kucinich

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Rotary Bulletin


New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                 May 3, 2007


The imposing figure of our esteemed president entered the inner sanctum of the Roger Sherman, strode to the podium and smartly smote the bell on the dot of 12:15.  Chaplain Adolph followed with a grace which owed much to the newspaper article clutched in his stubby fingers asking the Lord’s blessing on Catholic lawyers [I think].  Why this was necessary was not explained.


Guests included Jim Kreitler who has appeared at a number of our meetings with a variety of hosts.  Today he was introduced by a rejuvenated Steve Risbridger who, having emerged from his burrow following April 15 and seeing his shadow, confidently predicted six more weeks of winter.  Recently chastened fall guy Joe Rucci showed renewed courage by once again introducing Gene Tonkavich as his guest.  Although he was incorrectly identified as a guest, Kevin McLaughlin explained the error by stating he had created confusion by breaking a time honored pattern and arriving before the meal was served.  No offense intended or taken.


Although President Nancy assured us that no announcements were forthcoming, Captain Scott Hobbs, U.S. Army Retired, seized the floor to thank those members who have already found ways [checks to the NC Rotary Club Foundation, memo for Iraqi Kids and stuffed animals dropped off at Hobbs, Inc.’s office in the Weed and Duryea parking lot] and to entreat and encourage those who have not yet done so to step up.  He reiterated that this effort is good on its face as a humanitarian act, and has an ancillary benefit of building better relationships between G.I.’s and Iraqis, which leads to better intelligence and safer conditions for our troops.  Noble stuff!


In spite of his warrior spirit, Captain Scott was forced to reluctantly yield to a newly aggressive Sergeant Steve as the fun and fines operative.  In a role defining performance Steve obliquely skewered the aforementioned fall guy, Joe Rucci, by sharing with the Club five pieces of wisdom which Rucci, in the role of a mentor to the young and aspiring Rotarian accountant, had imparted to him over the years.  Following this recitation it was not hard to understand why so many seek Rucci’s advice and counsel, nor was it difficult to understand why Steve is a frequent defendant.  Noble stuff!


Almost lost in the general hilarity was a happy one hundred from the venerable Skip Sisson in honor of his [100th?] birthday and a happy something from Peter Deane in honor of his birthday which had arrived in November 2006, causing one member to inquire, “why now?’


President Nancy then gave an introduction for the day’s speaker that was commensurate with Nancy’s stature –short.   Professing apprehension at following Sergeant Steve, First Selectman [actually woman} Judy Neville rose and explained the trials and tribulations of her office as she unraveled the mysteries of the FAA decision to route all NYC air traffic over New Canaan, the State decision to control  NC parking lots, Wall Street’s manipulation of our bond rating, the Byzantine negotiations regarding the movie house, and the imminent opening to the public of the Glass House.  She closed with the confusing conclusion that she is happy to be our First Selectman [actually woman] and would like four more years, if you please.  There’s no accounting for this stuff.


Next week we hear from another political aspirant, Rob Malozzi.


Tom Vilsac


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