Friday, May 04, 2007

Rotary Bulletin


New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                 May 3, 2007


The imposing figure of our esteemed president entered the inner sanctum of the Roger Sherman, strode to the podium and smartly smote the bell on the dot of 12:15.  Chaplain Adolph followed with a grace which owed much to the newspaper article clutched in his stubby fingers asking the Lord’s blessing on Catholic lawyers [I think].  Why this was necessary was not explained.


Guests included Jim Kreitler who has appeared at a number of our meetings with a variety of hosts.  Today he was introduced by a rejuvenated Steve Risbridger who, having emerged from his burrow following April 15 and seeing his shadow, confidently predicted six more weeks of winter.  Recently chastened fall guy Joe Rucci showed renewed courage by once again introducing Gene Tonkavich as his guest.  Although he was incorrectly identified as a guest, Kevin McLaughlin explained the error by stating he had created confusion by breaking a time honored pattern and arriving before the meal was served.  No offense intended or taken.


Although President Nancy assured us that no announcements were forthcoming, Captain Scott Hobbs, U.S. Army Retired, seized the floor to thank those members who have already found ways [checks to the NC Rotary Club Foundation, memo for Iraqi Kids and stuffed animals dropped off at Hobbs, Inc.’s office in the Weed and Duryea parking lot] and to entreat and encourage those who have not yet done so to step up.  He reiterated that this effort is good on its face as a humanitarian act, and has an ancillary benefit of building better relationships between G.I.’s and Iraqis, which leads to better intelligence and safer conditions for our troops.  Noble stuff!


In spite of his warrior spirit, Captain Scott was forced to reluctantly yield to a newly aggressive Sergeant Steve as the fun and fines operative.  In a role defining performance Steve obliquely skewered the aforementioned fall guy, Joe Rucci, by sharing with the Club five pieces of wisdom which Rucci, in the role of a mentor to the young and aspiring Rotarian accountant, had imparted to him over the years.  Following this recitation it was not hard to understand why so many seek Rucci’s advice and counsel, nor was it difficult to understand why Steve is a frequent defendant.  Noble stuff!


Almost lost in the general hilarity was a happy one hundred from the venerable Skip Sisson in honor of his [100th?] birthday and a happy something from Peter Deane in honor of his birthday which had arrived in November 2006, causing one member to inquire, “why now?’


President Nancy then gave an introduction for the day’s speaker that was commensurate with Nancy’s stature –short.   Professing apprehension at following Sergeant Steve, First Selectman [actually woman} Judy Neville rose and explained the trials and tribulations of her office as she unraveled the mysteries of the FAA decision to route all NYC air traffic over New Canaan, the State decision to control  NC parking lots, Wall Street’s manipulation of our bond rating, the Byzantine negotiations regarding the movie house, and the imminent opening to the public of the Glass House.  She closed with the confusing conclusion that she is happy to be our First Selectman [actually woman] and would like four more years, if you please.  There’s no accounting for this stuff.


Next week we hear from another political aspirant, Rob Malozzi.


Tom Vilsac


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