Friday, January 19, 2007

What better than a Rotary meeting on a dreary Thursday . . . 11/16/06



What better than a Rotary meeting on a dreary Thursday? President-Elect Amy was ready to get things off with a good wallop of the bell at 12:15. Our Nancy was away for the day. The prayer was handled with a special dose of relevance and timing by Ad who is, shall we say, connected to God. And what a good day when our collective prayers can be answered: Our great Rotarian, John Kerchoff was not only home after a significant medical experience…he was with us! Looking great, sounding strong and thankful, John’s presence gave even our skeptics and pessimists a nice dose of hope on this grey day.


Dr. Claudia from Bolivia who seems to like Thursdays at the Roger Sherman

Club Announcements:

Ken made a request for programming on December 7 then his request changed into a program idea, our veterans will share some experiences that day, mark your calendar.

Tom is hitting 60 this week, looking not a day over 59. He made a generous contribution to the basket and was roundly toasted by all for the good things he has brought to our Club.

George Baker organized and many members contributed to our packages that will go to Iraq to support the real needs of the troops.


Ben Bilus our Foundation Chair presented a very thorough and compelling look at the Rotary Foundation. Ben was fortified by a couple of glasses of wine, confident and direct in his presentation. Our members can leverage their contributions to the Foundation through various District and International levels of matching, potentially turning each $100 of gift into $350 at the Club level. Pretty amazing and a strong encouragement to give. Through a video and handout that set-up his presentation, Ben let us know that the Foundation funds Ambassadorial Scholarships, Group Study Exchange, World Peace Scholars Program, Humanitarian Grants Program, Polio Plus, and special projects (but no construction). Praise for Ben was hard at every table (well, maybe most tables), because he had enlightened us and told of his wanting to join Rotary for fellowship, food, and most of all – joining something that can do some good. (Checks should be made out to The Rotary International Foundation.)

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph Girardi


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