Friday, January 19, 2007

Maybe its the crisp autumn air... 11/2/06



Maybe it’s the crisp autumn air, the color in the leaves, the scent of the political season, but Rotary feels awful good these days. But as usual, Nancy halted, had multiple time checks and eventually rang the bell at 12:15 and 22 seconds After our Pledge of Allegiance, Dave Bryant attempted a prayer but just like the French senator from Massachusetts, Jean Kerri, he botched it.


Bob Dewey, guest of John Engel

Paul Giusti, New Canaan Selectman

Club Announcements:

Nancy announced that:

  • Margo Sisson, Andy Kerchoff, Frank McBrearity, and Ed Nordgaard did good work by volunteering at the flu shot clinic.
  • The District Foundation dinner will be held Friday evening, 11/10 and if you call her or call Ben, you can get a ride and join the fun
  • There was support for changing our luncheon activities from lunch then speaker to speaker then lunch. (One unruly member then shouted some comments about “women in charge can mess up anything.” ) If you like the idea, you can secretly contact Nancy with your thoughts
  • Kudos to Scott Hobbs for earning Imus’ praise on the broadcast of 11/1 and for delivering a joke that may have gotten more yuks than his classic boogety joke


Ken introduced Peter Christ, treasurer of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) from Syracuse, NY. Peter was a very talented speaker, giving sound reasoning for substituting a system of regulation and control of drugs, as far more ethical and effective than the present one of prohibition. LEAP seems to have its mission aligned perfectly with its rhetoric and a very able spokesman in Peter Christ. The War on Drugs doesn’t work now, never did and never will. There were too few questions, really little breathing room for questions, the only shortcoming today but Peter’s talk and reasoning was, at least for this tired old editor, compelling.

Respectfully submitted,

Stan Musial

Sporting News Major League Player of the Year, 1946



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