Friday, January 19, 2007

Filling the room with her larger than life personality... 10/26/06

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin October 26, 2006

Filling the room with her larger than life personality, President Nancy rang the bell at the appointed hour which, by prior arrangement, was 15 minutes earlier than usual. She then personally took on the chaplain duties and offered a whiny blessing which, in the end, was all about her. Then, again by prior arrangement, she instructed everyone to sit immediately and quietly and await the arrival of our speaker, U.S. Senatorial candidate on the Sovich ticket, Greenwich resident and Frank McBrearity tenant, Ned Lamont. As is the politician’s wont in campaign mode, Ned was late, so Frank introduced him in absentia. In the end, Frank’s remarks were all about him. Since Ned had still not arrived, Nancy, with her customary assertiveness, moved on with normal business.

Guests and visiting Rotarians included Janice Kunst with Big Steve, Terry Scarborough with Peter Deane, Laura Rubinfeld with Art Duell [who failed to introduce her],the fair Paul Burnham, the equally lovely Jim Rini, foxy Ron Malloy, and our lovely Central American doctor Claudia. Quite a distinguished crowd for a humble country club like ours!

Nancy, now clearly hypoglycemic and visibly annoyed, demanded that every single member of the Club immediately forward his/her personal information to internet impresario John Engel for inclusion in the brand new New Canaan Rotary Club Directory. She was clear that any time today would be soon enough. Don’t force her to get ugly!

At about this time Ned Lamont strode into the room while Steve Sovich recorded the event for posterity with his trusty Brownie, thereby enabling his own self to conclusively prove that a Democratic candidate had actually ventured into this suburban Republican enclave. Ned gave us a brief history of his candidacy, his background and the issues which compelled him to run. They included the Terry Schiavo case, the Patriot Act, the “bridge to nowhere,” opposition to stem cell research, and the war in Iraq. He went on to discuss how Connecticut is 49th out of 50 states in the amount of money we get back from Washington compared to what we send there, how the state has lost half of its defense related jobs and 40% of its manufacturing jobs in the last few years. He then answered questions concerning pork, Iran, Iraq, Syria, illegal aliens and universal healthcare. All in all a content packed 30 minutes during which he sounded thoughtful and reasonable. He seemed particularly pleased when Nancy presented him with a Toblerone bar. And then he was gone.

Big Steve then collected a surprisingly large haul by not telling any jokes or stories. Draw your own conclusions. Just as the audience was breathing easy because our distinguished visitors had not been offended, in an inexplicable act, President Nancy called on Scott Hobbs for a reprise of the dreaded Boogety Boogety. What was she thinking?!

We finally ate and left.

Lyndon Baines Johnson

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