Friday, January 19, 2007

President Nancy was a real standup gal... September 7

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin September 7, 2006

President Nancy was a real standup gal as she hammered the bell and led the Pledge. Chaplain Ad, who lost six of his childhood friends in a two day span last week, offered an inclusive blessing. The Roger Sherman outdid themselves with a delicious lunch and Giovanni bearing veal chops and fish working the room entreating the membership to eat more. And all this was followed by a generous helping of wedding cake left over from last weekend’s festivities.

Prior to calling for the introduction of visiting Rotarians and guests, Nancy regaled the group with a tale about her husband’s remarkable recall in the midst of considerable physical distress. The pedestal on which she places him was evident in her delivery.

Amy then provided Nancy with her guest who was also a visiting Rotarian, Chad Stewart from the Fairfield Club.

Then it was on to Lobsterfest Impresario David Rucci who announced that ticket sales were very slow, except for Scott Hobbs who has sold 169 and is underwriting the cost of the kids’ meals, that an email would be forthcoming re baked desserts, that we will again feature a kids jumping castle, and that a robust manpower commitment would be required, especially in the Saturday 6:00-9:00pm time slot; all this as fellow Impresario Peter Deane seethed over the injustice of David hogging the face time. You must show up to witness the inevitable pyrotechnics between this combustible duo.

Sgt. Scott then performed another of the public service spots for which he is so justly esteemed. This one was on parenting and was well received, especially by Frank Bernardo who was observed writing “chlorox and brake fluid” on a note card.

Nancy then provided an introduction of the day’s speaker that was as truncated as her stature. New Canaan Director of Health, David M. Reed, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A., overeducated and underpaid, seemingly took no offense and launched into a particularly interesting presentation. For the unwashed, undereducated and overpaid among the readership who don’t know what the Health Director is responsible for, the answer is a lot. Needs assessment and planning, food services, day care centers, investigate food borne outbreaks, on-site sewage disposal, well water supplies, public housing, communicable diseases, environmental protection, immunization, recreational areas, health education and schools. While that is not a sentence it is indeed an impressive list. Discussions occurred about the comparative advantages of a part time Health Department, a full time H.D. and a Health District; and many aspects of the much anticipated pandemic; and why Darien is populated by xenophobic nutcases. Assigned reading: The Great Influenza of 1918.

Johns Hopkins

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