Friday, January 19, 2007

Week Six of the Nancy Watch 8/3/06



Week six of the Nancy Watch found Ms. President back and ready to restore order, or as much order as can be found on a dog day of summer when the dogs are under the porch, trying to find some shade. Temperature at 12:15 PM? 97 degrees. The prayer was given by Ad, a good strong one supporting our peacekeepers, wherever they may be found. The buffet was light, full of flavor and perfect for this summer day. Turnout was light but heavy with talent. Steve Risbridger was very much a presence, verging on the annoying, as he trumpeted the Chamber of Commerce Golf outing in September and brought forth a golfing joke about where a ball can land and how the errant golfer shanking that ball can then land in the hospital.


Paul Burnham from the Wilton Club, an old friend.

Club Announcements:

David “the enforcer” Rucci was a presence today. First demanding that careful Rotarians, counting calories and selecting food from the buffet HURRY UP! Then, he delivered an envelope containing 12 LOBSTERFEST TICKETS to each member present. Twelve X $25 = $300 and that’s just a beginning, we should sell more and talk up the Lobsterfest far and wide.

Tom sent his heartfelt appreciation for the generous member gift of $1,750 in his father, Eric’s memory. Tom’s request is that the funds be divided between the Halo Trust and a worthy, New Canaan community effort.


Nancy introduced Didier Mosh, who represented the Roger Sherman very well. Didier, who is not Chris, the pleasant young banquet manager, gave an outstanding, visual and personal look at cruise ships, the industry, and particularly the Cunard Line. He gave many astonishing statistics about the size of the great ships and how they continue to grow. The industry serves broad socio-economic spectra in terms of luxury and service. Questions arose about the reasons for the growth of the cruise as a vacation, the economics of the industry, the profile of the service staff, etc. Didier had been in the industry since the 1980’s, before coming to the Roger Sherman and really knows its history and economics. An excellent program for a sizzling Thursday.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Pelfrey

David Bryant

Library Director

New Canaan Library

151 Main Street

New Canaan CT 06840



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