Friday, May 19, 2006

Clearly the best Allocation Luncheon ever!

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin May 18, 2006

On a perfect spring day even more sunshine was brought into our lives as many recipients of our annual largesse joined us for the yearly Allocation Luncheon. President Jim not only did his weekly duties, but also ran a commentary so that our guests could follow the labyrinthian machinations of the Rotary liturgy. A truly inspirational performance [and very large shoes for Nancy’s tiny feet to follow in].

Invoking his presidential prerogative President Jim waived both the introduction of visiting Rotarians and guests and the sgt-at arms segments of the meeting. Although this was highly irregular, the consensus seemed to be that it was better to be safe than sorry with so many distinguished visitors [and Frank Bernardo] in attendance. Good judgement.

President Jim called on Allocation Committee Chair David Bryant, representing his members Amy Wilkinson, Bill Walbert, Ben Bilus, Don McIvor, David Rucci, new grandmother Nancy Robinson[7], and President Jim his own self, to preside over the allocation portion of the program. David seized the opportunity to give the Reader’s Digest description of Rotary International to the captive audience. Although he never actually said that anyone not willing to listen to his monologue would have his/her check withheld, the message was effectively communicated as was made evident by the looks of rapt attention on the faces of the supplicants.

Following the Rotary schtick, David morphed into Shecky Bryant and proceeded with the distribution of checks. He asked each recipient do two minutes plus or minus on the mission of his/her organization and the specific use to which our donation would be put.

It is worth noting at this juncture that it took exactly two absent recipients before a futures market in unused time was created by Bob Cruikshank with Phil Mclean, Bill Walbert and Rich Vasco working an arbitrage scam on the recipient organizations. Not a pretty sight.

We then heard from, and David presented checks to, the U.N. Committee of New Canaan, Waveny Lodge, the Historical Society, STAR, Inc. [who came bearing gifts], Hand-in-Hand [a summer camp for 180 5-8 year olds on the St. Marks grounds], ABC House, Americares, the Clay Place [crafts for disabled veterans in Norwalk], Getabout, Girl Scouts, Halo Trust [our mine clearing friends], High Bridge Voices [minority kids choir], Meals on Wheels, New Canaan Library [the phrase “conflict of interest” was heard murmured around the room], Nursing and Home Care, PAWS, Shakespeare on the Sound, Success [the incredible program for minority youth run by Brian Moran], and, finally Frank Bernardo regarding the schools he visited in Mombassa [improbably in under two minutes]. David then explained the source of our funds and sold several hundred Lobsterfest tickets and took numerous reservations for Christmas dinner at the Roger Sherman. Clearly the best Allocation Luncheon ever!

Bill and Melinda Gates


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