Friday, May 12, 2006

Jim’s Advice Was To Wash Your Hands Frequently

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin May 11, 2006

With a gleam in her eye and a coup in her heart President-elect Nancy scaled the podium and rang the bell a full minute early. The Pledge was uneventful, but a lengthy silence ensued before Chaplain Ad, sensing that he had missed his cue, lurched into his blessing which somehow evoked a vision of Charlton Heston.

Newly minted PETS trained Nancy, backed by her equally PETS trained consigliere Amy Wilkinson, called for the introduction of visiting Rotarians and guests. Back for another week was Webster Bank Branch Manager Patricia Rodriguez-Autore, Susan Eng brought her District Manager from the Trumbull club in a blatant act of sucking up, Adoph introduced his friend from nursery school Chase Dipanni, and our favorite New Hampshire resident, old Live Free or Die Rini was also on hand. In a subliminal challenge to our effete membership it was revealed that Dr. Jim has 20 years of perfect attendance while Chase boasts 43! Living up to these great role models will not be easy.

Sergeant Scott once again horrified his father, among others, as he launched into a story about either Amy or Sandy- some blonde-that had agricultural overtones and drew groans of disapproval at the punchline. Bill Walbert and Phil McLain kicked in hefty dollars for various child related events. Others simply seemed relieved that the pain was over.k

In a demonstration of extreme newcomer naivete Secretary Susan announced that a cooperative honor system of attendance would be instituted shortly. While the honor part of the system did not seem problematic, the idea that the membership would cooperate on anything at any time [at least until the last second of a deadline] was deemed laughable. Susan looked disbelieving and stuck to her guns. One could see her consciously visualizing the success of her initiative. Perhaps if we all made an effort we could avoid, for the first time, torturing the person to whom we have assigned responsibility.

Cloaked in a crust of sheetrock dust, Ken Campbell rose to introduce the day’s speaker, Police Commissioner and Emergency Preparedness Director Jim Cole. I have no idea what the town would do without Jim. He has overseen our updated emergency plan, trained and coordinated our responders [20% of adult New Canaanites have been through the Community Emergency Response Training], obtained and distributed needed radios for responders and represented us in regional planning efforts. Regarding the possibility of an imminent flu pandemic, he said he didn’t know, but he was convinced that some emergency at some time would require a trained, coordinated response with us being responsible for us. Two useful websites for your edification: and In the event of an outbreak, Jim’s advice was to wash your hands frequently, don’t congregate unnecessarily, and take care of one another. A profoundly important and timely program. Thanks to both Ken and Jim!



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