Monday, May 08, 2006

Diane Blanchett spoke of the scourge of Lyme Disease...

Rotary Club of New Canaan

April 27, 2006

President Jim Azzarito made one of his on-time guest appearances and led the Knights Templar in prayer and contemplation. As usual Ad Tomaselli led the line to sustenance. Boris introduced his friend Ted Bonner. Scott Hobbs serving as Sgt at Arms and in his always egregious manner, told another religious joke and then passed the collection plate. Nancy Robinson put in a proud $5 and related how her daughter Caitlin applied her CPR knowledge and saved an individual’s life. Frank Bernardo contributed a sad dollar on the death of Camille’s father. We allowed guest and Fire Commission Fred Barnes to give us money to commemorate his 30th climb on Mt. Washington. Fred is what this club needs ... a person with stamina, the willingness to conquer mountains and a fearlessness that shows he is in line for the 2007 Lobsterfest Chairman. You heard it hear first. Mike Hobbs contributed the fact that he had attended a poetry convention which opens up the post of poet laureate for the Club, a position that has inexplicably gone empty for the past few years.

Rick Vasko, apparently is competing with Mother Robinson in the baby-a-week pool and announced that another baby was on the way via his son. Bill Walbert, our Man for all Season, reminded us that he is producing another blockbuster for the Town Players. Ad Tomaselli thanked Tom Weilenmann for hosting a fellowship dinner where apparently a good time was had by all. Andy LaSala in gratitude for the Allocations Committee selection of the Hightower Singing Group has benevolently doubled his already substantial contribution to the purchase of Lobsterfest Tickets. That does not mean the rest of us can rest on Andy’s laurels, or whatever Andy has that is worth resting on …..whatever.

Calvin Ranson made a donation in celebration of his 64th birthday. It was noted by everyone that Calvin doesn’t look a day over, uhh, well 64 sounds good.

Our speaker Diane Blanchett spoke of the scourge of Lyme Disease, which no one in this area unfortunately remains unaware or unacquainted with. They are currently seeking additional funding from the government which at this time has allocated only $20 million dollars for the disease. Lyme Disease is caused by a bacteria carried by ticks. If a tick is found the victim must be treated quickly. Regrettably, the CDC does not advocate prophylactic use of antibiotics though according to Diane and her group it appears to be the best way to fight off this illness. Similar to syphilis, with 300 different strains, Lyme is extremely difficult to diagnose. When bitten by an infected tick transmission can take place in 36 to 48 hours. Fairfield County has the dubious distinction of being the epicenter of this disease, with one in four residents being diagnosed. The Lyme Disease Association is all-volunteer. For those who were unable to pick up the brochures or are seeking more information the website is

Fortified with good food, knowledge of Lyme Disease and the fellowship of the round table we ventured forth.

Respectfully submitted

Berenger Sauniere



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