Monday, May 08, 2006

“guest rooms are unnecessary because guests are a nuisance”

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin
May 4, 2006

On a perfect late spring day we added to our Italian predilections by dining on the veranda al fresco. President Jim was at his eloquent best as he opted to face the larger of the two flags available to him and initiate the Pledge at the appropriate time. Chaplain Adolph then uttered another of his cryptic prayers, this time quoting President Teddy Roosevelt. Under intense interrogation he admitted that Teddy had indeed not spoken the words attributed to him, but “would have if he had thought of them.”

Your scrivener is under pressure from the censors to clean up the Bulletin which last week included the words “prophylactic” and “syphilis.” This in a family friendly publication! No wonder the geezers have their shorts in a knot.

President Jim brought the crowd to its feet with the announcement that Rick Benson from the western Connecticut town of Westport is the incoming District Governor {pending challenges to his legitimacy by some unwashed fanatic from the eastern part of the district}. As Jim pointed out, like the state of Connecticut, our district pays no attention to our area unless it wants money or talent. With Rick in power I have no doubt that our lengthy list of grievances will be addressed.

Guests today included Patricia Rodriguez-Autore, branch manager of the new Webster Bank outlet on Elm Street, guest of landlord John Engel; Ted Bonner on the arm of the fetching Boris Pogacnik; and Andy Kerchoff who has apparently found a way to have his dad continue to buy his lunch.

Sergeant Scott told a joke that had circulated at last week’s meeting, but managed to extort a healthy collection anyway. It seems that the Passeros hosted an especially simpatico fellowship dinner during the past week {at least until a most unwelcome crasher appeared late in the evening}. Mike Hobbs and Scott Hobbs contributed for the addition of a new granddaughter and niece to their burgeoning family. And while Scott could not claim the reward for his pot, Skip Sisson gave a C-note to Foundationmeister Ben Bilus in honor of attaining the ripe old age of 72!

In the absence of a real program, the painfully introverted Frank Bernardo brought from the New Canaan Library a copy of a tape on Phillip Johnson and his New Canaan property which was rendered even more interesting than normal by being recorded over with someone’s home movies in places. Poor quality control at the NCL. Architects become famous for many reasons. One of them is that they say things like, “a person enters a room by circling it like a dog and then sitting in the middle,” or “one may only approach a house from an angle,” or “guest rooms are unnecessary because guests are a nuisance.” People with insufficient self confidence and self esteem become sniveling syncophants in the presence of such drivel. Another way to become famous is to do interesting architecture, and Mr. Johnson did ok on that score too. Marty Skelunas is working on a Rotary outing to the property as it gets ready to open to the public in 2007.

Frank Gehry


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