President Dolly Robinson 7/13/06
JULY 13, 2006
President "Dolly" Robinson rang the bell at 12:15 -- give or take a few seconds. Painless Kerchoff, without any prior notice, vamped a prayer. It was noticed, however, that he failed to honor Billy the Kid who died this day in 1881. More history about July 13: The French (remember them?) celebrate Bastille Day on July 14. On the eve of Bastille Day, in Paris, they celebrate with singing, lanterns, torches and patriotic songs. The marchers wend their way to the home of a prominent citizen who provides drinks for all of the torch bearers. Recently retired president Jim advises that cocktails begin at his home at 6:30. Don't forget your torch.
There was buffet line conversation that recent Rotary lunches had turned "too healthy." We think the president is to blame for that. But the salads and fish were very good. No future meetings are planned for McDonalds.
Visitors: Rick Kellam, former president of New Canaan and Wilton clubs, now of the Venice, Fla. club. Andy LaSalla. Chase Dipanni. And, from the firm of Rucci-the-Greater and Rucci-the-Lesser, Amy Zabetakis Esq.
Sgt. Scott told a joke which faked out even the dollies, and collected money. A lot of $20 bills hit the bowl. One from John Kerchoff, celebrating a birthday and an anniversary. While he didn't tell us the numbers of years for each, we suspect twenty bucks won't cover it. Andy Kerchoff, trying to make up for his father's inabilities in math -- and to celebrate a new car -- popped in another $20. Wanna guess what kind of car it is? It begins with a "C." Citroen! One of the strangest was Ad's $20 celebrating Mussolini's defeat of Hitler and Napoleon. Could he be referring to the World Cup?
Worthy of note, President Nancy was invited by Joe R. to fill the empty seat at what is traditionally the head table. She refused and went to an empty table. I think this issue goes back 15+ years before they had ever met. (Truth: She needed to talk to David R. about the Lobsterfest.)
Somebody dropped the ball and there was no speaker today (the ball dropper also ponied up $20.) But Rotarians of this club find ways to entertain each other.
There was another recruitment for volunteers to man our table at the Sidewalk Sale, July 15, to sell Lobsterfest tickets. "And, here's to you" Mrs. Robinson pointed out that having the table out in front of Baskin Robbins will cost us $75. Jim Azzarito pointed out that when he left office last month, there was $75 in the club checking account. The rest was wired to Zurich.
Someone asked where the lobster hats were. And where is the blow-up lobster? Scott thinks they might be at his office. He will look. Especially for the blow-up.
David Rucci discussed the Lobsterfest. The menu is similar to years before. The price of lobster is down, from last year. Nobody knows why. Net-net: Sell your tickets.
Worthy of note is that the District Governor will be attending next week. The menu will include chicken salad.
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