Friday, January 19, 2007

Phil "Third String" McLean seized the reins of power... 9/28/06

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin September 28, 2006

Your humble scrivener’s computer has decided to use the loud and aggressive font you see before you. Having no notion how to override this initiative, I shall attempt to adopt the literary equivalent of this printing device. Where the hell was Nancy??!!

On a calmer and more discreet level, Phil, “Third String” McLean seized the reins of power, hammered the bell, led the Pledge, and called on an unsuspecting John Kerchoff to ask the blessing, which John did with great aplomb. Also, great apeach. For the second or third consecutive week, in the absence of Ad, there was a general lack of purpose and commitment as the hesitant membership approached the buffet table. Finally, Sandy Malloy and our Bolivian Rotaract guest Claudia Valera made an oblique approach and, finding no resistance, led our timid band through the line.

In Nancy’s absence it would have been asking too much for Phil to have recognized those Rotarians who answered last week’s desperate plea from the Red Cross to assist in Tuesday’s blood drive at St. Mark’s. Fortunately the required assistance was forthcoming and the drive ended well. Still, Connecticut’s blood supply is at an alarmingly low level. Help if you can.

After being introduced as Sandy’s guest, the aforementioned Claudia stood and told the Club a little about herself and her Rotary work in Bolivia. She, in spite of appearing to be 13 years old, is a doctor who is here going through an English as a Second Language program at Norwalk Community College. Hopefully, she will return frequently during her stay in the area,

Phil, who is as inventive as he is lovely, in the absence of our scheduled speaker [when your scheduled speaker who doesn’t show is a guy who disarms and removes mines, it’s not a good thing], called on the geriatric set for tales, real and imagined, of New Canaan Rotary in the old days. Speakers included Mike Hobbs, Joe Rucci, Pete Santella, John Kerchoff, Skip Sisson, Leo 111, Scott Cluett and the ever loqacious Frank Bernardo. By the time these old fools had run their mouths a number of the newer members were heard questioning why they had ever considered membership in such a disreputable organization. The answer is to improve it! We should try this again in 47 years.

Rodney Dangerfield

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