Friday, January 19, 2007

Bill gave a vague guideline, "Favorite/best sports stories"



President Nancy swung the gavel at 12:15 and we were underway on a balmy, November day. John Kerchoff delivered a satiny smooth prayer and a delicious buffet followed. Tables filled, tales from members filled the air, Thanksgiving stories and every doggone topic you could imagine or not imagine made for a noisy and friendly room.


Dr. Claudia from Bolivia who seems to like Thursdays at the Roger Sherman, today she took photos to show her home Interact Club.

Club Announcements:

Art Duel has proposed Laura Rubinfeld for membership. Laura is the Executive Director of the New Canaan Board of Realtors.

Christmas Party; Saturday December 9th at Waveny Castle, 6:30 PM on

Christmas Grab Bag luncheon, Thursday December 21, shop funny for this!


First, the graph that is in the locked vault of the Rotary Archives on Scott Hobbs’ jokemanship is definitely pointed upward. Today’s long but worth it build-up had the collected members thinking out loud about the punchline. Scott offered a good one and some authentic laughs proved the worth of the 28 minute effort. It’s all good!

As you can tell, today’s official, planned program was missing like a hurricane hit in the 2006 season. Clearly, there was time to fool around and who better as a light hearted enthusiast of good times than Bill Walbert to figure out how to fill the time vacuum. and some in the group stood up to tell tales. Frank McBrearity liked the tall tale swap so much he gave two! Scott Hobbs told of Howard Benedict, NCHS’s resident eccentric in a pup tent. John Engel gave us sailing lessons of the best sort, his memory and a great story of small boats and big ideas. John Burns and Mike Hobbs recalled the one-of-a-kind career of Chuck Banderick (SP?). Frank Bernardo fired up a recollection of his trip to Fenway Park to see an almost one hitter, with the famously nutty Carl Everett breaking up the Mike Mussina pitching effort. Phil McLain confessed that backyard, unpadded, youthful football moves do NOT work well on the real field against real big, tough linemen. John Kerchoff had fond memories of our own Frank B. aboard the Sloop John B, using physics and fear to keep the boat upright. Bo Bo Hickey came in for review and the Walbert plan for passing the time just made the clock wiz around. We even went five minutes over! As many of us say, some of our best programs come from the talents of our talkative club.

Respectfully submitted,

Moises Alou


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