To the membership’s great relief President Eric and his perfect . . . Feb. 12, 2015
To the membership's great relief President Eric and his perfect [sacred] heart was in the room after a lovely and restful three day stay on the hill in beautiful downtown Norwalk. He presided with his usual aplomb over the opening of the meeting before retiring early to see yet another doctor. Great to have him in our midst. Fireman Fred was out of character as Florist Fred passing out roses to the female spouses in the room. I did not check on the males to ascertain whether or not they received equal attention.
Hoping not to miss any of our guests I offer the following roster: Fred's wife Sue, John B's wife Nancy, B.T.'s wife Paige, John Burns' wife Barbara, Ken's wife Cathy, Eric's wife Renee, Sandy's husband Mike, Mike's wife Hazel and date Helen Tomaselli, Leo's wife Janet, Ed's wife Nita, Lisa's husband Mathew, Steve's wife [oh, Steve was all alone], Keith's wife Deborah, Skip's wife Margo, Rich's wife Cathy, and Bill's wife Laura. If I have overlooked anyone I offer my most sincere apologies. It was a decorative and mostly well-behaved crowd.
B.T. made a brief announcement concerning this evening's Rotary Means Business meeting in Greenwich, the nub of which was that he is blowing it off for a better deal. Paige is taking him to the Inn at Pound Ridge for a 47th birthday dinner. Apparently New Canaan will have at least two representatives to offset B.T.'s absence.
Ben announced that this year's Wine and Cheese event in partnership with the Carriage Barn will feature their exhibit titled The Art of the Vehicle Va Va Vroom and will be held on the evening of Thursday, June 11. One of the exhibit sponsors is none other than Karl Chevrolet. More details will be forthcoming as the calendar progresses.
Marty then rose to his full height wearing his New Canaan Library Art Committee hat to announce the opening of the Jennifer Davies exhibit in the gallery at the Library with a wine and cheese reception from 6 – 8:00 PM tonight.
In an example of discretion being the better part of valor Acting Sergeant Bill stepped in for real Sergeant Scott and related an apocryphal IRS tale before passing among us with plate in hand. He met a largely reluctant congregation as only a few fines were forthcoming. One was for his stint in the hospital from Eric, one for B.T. having survived another year, and one for the presence in our midst of the fair Helen Tomaselli [who in keeping with tradition led the way through the chow line].
Further fueling the Program Chair controversy pretender Ken stood to introduce another of Cathy's Ladies Who Launch speakers, this time the lovely and charismatic Kitt Shapiro whose mother was show business royalty Eartha Kitt. Kitt spoke lovingly about her mother who succumbed to colon cancer on Christmas Day in 2008. Colon cancer, she told us is the second largest killer of all the cancers. She has become very involved in the fight against the disease. She pointed out that it is treatable and beatable if detected in its early stages. March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and blue is the color of their campaign [as compared to pink for breast cancer]. One will be able to purchase on-line at a designer scarf featuring one of Eartha's heart designs and the lovely message "Embrace Your Butt." Kitt blended loving memoir, amusing and profound anecdotes, a vision for life and love, and a daughter's devotion to her mother's life in a memorable presentation. Your humble scrivener is ready to throw in the towel and simply turn our programs over to Cathy. If she can keep coming up with the caliber of speaker she has showcased the past few weeks we would be fortunate indeed. The gauntlet has clearly been thrown in front of her beleagured spouse. It remains to be seen how he responds.
Santa Baby
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