Friday, October 14, 2016

The meeting at winter’s half-way point got off to a prompt and efficient start . . .Jan 29, 2015

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                          January 29, 2015


The meeting at winter's half-way point got off to a prompt and efficient start.  President Eric changed up the traditional sequence of first introducing Visiting Rotarians and guests and jumped right into the brief committee report portion of the meeting.  He informed the audience that the District is hoping for a silent auction item worth in excess of $100 for the District Conference at the Dolce Hotel and Resort in Norwalk during the weekend of May 14 – 17.  Who can fulfill the District's wish?  Let Eric know.


The Pres then asked for introductions and, while there were no Visiting Rotarians in our midst, Amy's guest Cynthia Gorey, someone's guest Alex Cranshaw, and the speaker's mother Deena Keeffe were all welcomed to our humble gathering.


Sergeant Scott then related the tale of a selfless daughter breaking some news to her father.  Very moving.  Fines followed from George Baker – one happy and one sad – for his son's engagement to Mata Hari and for his cracked wrist; from Eric because Notre Dame beat Duke and he hates Notre Dame more than he hates Republicans; and from the Duke-educated sergeant in honor of Coach K's 1,000th career victory.


Ken then introduced the very poised, articulate and attractive 2008 NCHS classmate of his son Andrew, Elizabeth Keeffe, to address us on the subject of the two years she has just spent on a Bridges to Community stint in Nicaragua.  Bridges is a 20 year old organization which dispatches young American volunteers to work in Nicaragua in the fields of education, housing and health.  Liz showed slides of her work building schools and clinics, building potable water systems and latrines, and working with the native population on housing.  She discussed what she had learned during her tour in Central America – that people everywhere want similar things like a better life for their children, but that the difference in opportunities often leads to different outcomes.  She answered a number of questions from the audience including one from John Burns about the Chinese having started digging a canal to rival the one in Panama in December 2014.  The program ended with George Baker telling Liz that she had mightily impressed the Club and predicting great things from her in the future.


Daniel Ortega






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