Friday, October 14, 2016

Moving seamlessly from sales to management Pastor Eric eschewed . . . Sept 25, 2014

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                          September 25, 2014


Moving seamlessly from sales to management Pastor Eric eschewed the standard blessing and requested divine intervention leading to warm and clear skies for the Lobsterfest weekend.  Knowing his relationship with the Almighty the membership has no doubt that Eric's request will be heard and granted.


Although several long-absent Rotarians reappeared, we had no guests and only First Husband Bud Boucher from the Wilton Club as a Visiting Rotarian.


Prior to the event, but anticipating the Elder Rucci's demand, Lobsterfest Chair Rob announced that the audit had already begun.  He then went on to detail his preparations for the event which appeared to engender some anxiety.  To reiterate, the sign-up sheets should be viewed as the MINIMUM effort for each member.  The event cannot be successful with only a four hour commitment.  This event is the source of all our distribution funds for the year and, for this one weekend, we need a maximum effort.  With Leo being absent we will need three or four normal workers to make up his slack.  The major busy times are from 4:00 until close-up/clean-up on Friday and Saturday evenings.  As Thomas Edison and his faithful Indian companion discovered, Many Hands make light work.


In answer to a question from some paranoid member Treasurer Tom assured the audience that the new District website is legitimate.  Insisting on appearing as this week's sergeant, B.T. rose and delivered something he claimed was a joke before collecting fines from Keith for another 400 years of uneasy union between England and Scotland; Ann Cheney a really sad for the death of a wonderful friend and citizen of Fairfield who was killed by a bicyclist in Central Park; Scott his last dollar after the purchase of a building in Stamford; Sandy who was either the perpetrator or victim of a burglary; John Marlow for the death of his 101 years and some months old father-in-law; Leo lll for being a conscientious father and visiting daughter Jessica at the University of Indiana during the Lobsterfest; Joe Rucci a sad for tablemate Frank's sartorial selections; and Eric who was twice happy for a wonderful evening at Yankee Stadium with the Kerchoffs and the third birthday of his grandson.


Program Chair Ken then introduced the lovely and erudite LinkedIn expert, and granddaughter of a 40 year Needham, MA Rotarian, Sandra Long from Post Road Consulting to bring the members into the 21st century of social media.  She listed and explained her ten Power Plays for effective use of LinkedIn.

  1. Have a great profile.

2.   Be easy to contact.

3.   Don't let settings sabotage you.

4.   Quality and quantity of first level connections.

      5.   Invitations; Always personalize.

      6.   Network with LinkedIn groups.



  1. Recommendations and endorsements.
  2. Follow and engage with companies.  Find corporate connections.
  3. Sales prospecting.
  4. Manage your network.

With 320,000,000 users around the world in 23 languages LinkedIn is apparently here to stay.  Facility with the platform could transform your moribund business into a powerhouse if you are able to resist the siren song of the electronic screen long enough to actually do some work.  Very interesting program leading Jim Cole to inquire whether there was a LinkedIn for Dummies version available.


Steve Ballmer


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