Thursday, October 13, 2016

On a gorgeous summer day with the temperature at 77 degrees, the horde dragged 7-17-14

                On a gorgeous summer day with the temperature at 77 degrees, the horde dragged its feet and thus, at 12:15 there appeared but a handful of Rotarians.  Taking a cue from Harry Reid, acting prexy Laura stopped the clock in a futile attempt to reach a quorum before the meeting.  Once she found the bell, the pledge ensued and B.T. was tapped for an impromptu blessing of sorts. We mustered three tables when the stragglers began tiptoeing in.  Unnoticed by the Sgt@Arms, Engel, Townsend and ancient past president Marty appeared, followed by better late than never, Kevin.  We were a tight little group, augmented only by the presence of Wilton's past president, Paul Burnham. 
                Then came baptism by fire.  Laura arose to her full height and tentatively tapped at the bell.  The group demanded a clarion report of the bell and we were rewarded with same.  Laura asked for announcements.  Rob Avery gave the initial response with an update on the Lobsterfest.  He will distribute tickets next week for the event, scheduled for September 26 &27.  This very day, he delivered 75 tickets to honorary member Robert DiPanni.  Taking up where Scott left off, Rob stressed the importance of affinity sales.  In keeping with the times and thwarting the ravages of inflation, it is decreed the new ticket price at Thirty Five Dollars.  Some toe wiggling followed as to junior's hot dog or Missy's chicken leg.    Valerie revealed that the Carriage Barn wine tasting cheese sampler event netted $1267 for the Polio Plus campaign.  Eric and our fine ladies at the barn expressed their gratitude in today's Advertiser.  Valerie then called for suggestions for an appropriate date and subsequent event to build on this auspicious beginning.   Leo jumped up to announce he was promoting "A spontaneous Rotary Night at Hairspray" for this Saturday 7-19 at the Summer Theatre at Irwin Park. For 40 dollars, come for wine and cheese at 7 o'clock and enjoy the musical at 8. Call Leo at 203 442 3182 to be included.    Fireman Fred is bent on a quest to enlist sustaining sponsors for Rotary events.  Corporate or individual, it all adds up. 
                Sgt@Arms Scott delivered a dissertation on multi faceted mixed emotions.  There were a few blushes but the ladies appreciated the humor.  The pot swelled as George and Suzanne celebrated a family reunion in Cape May.  B.T. dropped a twenty as the Bowler heir was whisked off to his fourth summer session at Camp Dudley.  Keith lamented the passing of the world's best Sanitarian, Briggs Geddes.  Rob Avery admitted to turning 60.  Fred Baker survived another family reunion.  The saddest of all- Ben and Betsy said goodbye to Marley, their cherished canine companion of nine years who patrolled South Ave. with the vigilance of the KGB.  Laura had a wonderful two and a half weeks in France and regretted not a whit having missed a session or two at the Sherman.
                Then we were in for a treat.  Kristan Exner walked down from the 52ND floor of the north tower on 9-11-01 and has devoted her life to PTSS beginning with her adoption of a therapy cat.  Otto changed everything by being there when the nightmares struck. Kristan went on to found Tails of and has brought closure to scores of victims of stress syndrome as well as providing animal adoption centers across the country.  She is stimulating and believable.  Look up "Tails" in your browser and you will be hooked.                               (s) Dr. Doolittle


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