Thursday, October 13, 2016

A nattily attired group of New Canaan Rotarians and their dates gathered...June 26, 2014


New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                 June 26, 2014 [1800 hours]


A nattily attired group of New Canaan Rotarians and their dates gathered under the pergola at the Roger to quaff an aperitif as the sun first baked us and then sank slowly in the west.  As the clock struck 7:00 the highly disciplined group formed up and moved off smartly to the dinner venue.  The room was festive, the company was congenial, the loaves and fishes appeared and the water magically turned to wine amidst cries of "It's a miracle!"  It was immediately apparent that Eric would put his stamp on the evening.  Then, showing off for the spouses, he delivered a particularly erudite and timely blessing, and we sat.


Lame duck President Fred, having led us in the Pledge for the final time, was unceremoniously shunted aside as Assistant District Governor Ben and incoming President Eric seized the podium and proceeded to the business of the night.  Ben, perspiring like a Republican at a Harry Reid rally, expounded on the phenomenon of a peaceful changing of the guard at all 34,404 Rotary clubs around the world during this week and the Swiss watch precision with which it all occurred.  Having presided over similar ceremonies at other district clubs earlier in the week Ben dazzled us with his virtuosity in inducting President Eric for the 2014-2015 Rotary year.  Far from resenting being discarded like last week's New Canaan Advertiser, ex-President Fred sat in the company of Herr Heinekin with a beatific smile on his mustachioed face and visibly decompressed.


Between Fred and Eric they thanked a number of members for meritorious service in the past year, reviewed accomplishments and discussed goals and aspirations for the year to come.  Tom Cronin received the Kevin McLaughlin Award as he missed the cocktail hour entirely [not something Tom is known for] and arrived midway through the dinner.  Eric expressed his pleasure at seeing old friend Art Duel in the room and voiced his hope that Art will be a more frequent attendee in the coming year.  That appears unlikely as Art is preparing to de-camp to his new permanent home in Naples shortly.  Perhaps a visit on a future trip back to the next station to heaven.  Eric also welcomed Roy Riggio and Gene Tonkovich back to the fold after extended absences.


Before dismissing us and ending the delightful dinner and ceremony new President Eric rose and cancelled the first meeting of his reign.  There will be NO meeting on Thursday, no noon meeting, no dinner meeting, NO meeting on Thursday, July 3.  Everyone is urged to attend the July 10 inaugural meeting of the new administration.  Farewell and Well Done to Fred and welcome and Good Luck to Eric.


Barack Obama




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