Thursday, October 13, 2016

As the final grains of sand drop into the bottom of the hourglass of Fred’s presidency...May 22, 2014

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                             May 22, 2014


As the final grains of sand drop into the bottom of the hourglass of Fred's presidency he soldiers on with barely an indication of the limp so characteristic of lame ducks.  Once again he called the meeting to order with the precision one has come to expect from a uniformed first responder and led a poignant Pledge, the last before Memorial Day, before calling on Pastor Eric who reminded us of the significance of that holiday beyond the picnics and sales.  As fewer citizens serve in the Armed Forces each year our society becomes increasingly isolated and distanced from the dedication and sacrifice of our military personnel.  Memorial Day, unlike Veteran's Day, honors those who served and didn't come back.  Our debt is incalculable.  Take a moment on  Monday to remember and honor those who paid the ultimate price so we can enjoy our many benefits and freedoms.


The introduction of Visiting Rotarians and guests took longer than usual.  Although we had no Visiting Rotarians, ex-NC Rotarian Dick Winfield joined us, as did Valerie's guest Siw deGysser, Sonya, wife of Bridgeport Mayor Bill, Finch who is the Head of Marketing/Public Relations for Geigers Home and Garden who have recently assumed management of the nursery on Frogtown Road, James Avery [aged 11] and, for the last time, Ann Cheney.  When Kevin McLaughlin arrived at 12:35 there was no room at any of the occupied tables so, in the spirit of fellowship for which our Club is so justly recognized, a place was created for him.  In the no good deed goes unpunished world, he then elected to talk incessantly through announcements and program, even leading the elder Rucci astray.  Apparently he has a script to deliver and, when he arrives late, must deliver it in the time available regardless of others' agendas.


Foundation Officer John Bemis reminded the members that our fiscal year closes shortly and that we have not met of our Every Rotarian Every Year goal of $100 per member for 2014.  If you are able and inclined to contribute please do so [a check for $100 to Rotary International Foundation] before the year expires.  Should you have a question regarding your status contact John at [redacted]  Since the subject of money had been raised Treasurer Tom chimed in that next quarter dues bills would be sent shortly and not everyone has paid last quarter's bill.  To avoid meeting Tom's collection team, get it up!


Assistant District Governor Ben, sweating like a Democrat at a Tea Party rally, reported that he had shown up at the Assistant District Governors meeting at Yale last week only to discover that it had been canceled.  In the Air Force they always assured us that 10% never get the word.  Ben should not be surprised if the 90%, irked at his attempt at exclusivity, show up to occupy his driveway.  Fred reminded us that the annual Coronation Dinner will occur on the evening of June 26, pre-empting that day's luncheon meeting.  President-Elect Eric, attempting to retain his Methodist humility, settled for his current Allocations Committee Chair title, and announced that next week will be our Allocations Luncheon which many of us believe is the best meeting of the year.  We mingle with representatives from many worthwhile local groups during lunch and hear a brief description of their good work as they receive their contribution from our hard-working Club.  Very rewarding.  Make every effort to be there to support President Fred and Eric.


Sgt. Scott then related an encounter between an IRS agent and a rancher.  Enlightening.  The elder Hobbs had a Happy for attending his granddaughter's Georgia state championship winning soccer game and her graduation on the same day, Laura was happy that James Avery was with us, Eric was happy that Laura is our new President-Elect, Amy had a birthday, Ben's lawyer son was the lead attorney in overturning Pennsylvania's gay marriage ban, and Dick Winfield was happy that his son had just received his MBA from Columbia where Dick had received his MBA many years ago.


We proceeded to the induction of Ann Cheney [pronounced Cheeeney] as our newest member.  Ann is a local fixture as Manager of Stewart's Market and is a welcome addition to the Club.  President Fred made sure to claim Ann for his year.


Ken Campbell then failed in his game attempt to pronounce the name of our speaker while conducting her introduction.  I don't see what is challenging about Carolyn M. Slupczewski, but I guess it could be difficult if you happen to be a kilt-wearing Scotsman. Carolyn represents the March of Dimes in Fairfield County.  FDR founded the MOD to fight polio in the 1930's.  Having eradicated polio in the U.S. the MOD has moved on to lead the fight against birth defects and infant mortality.  Lots of opportunity for research, education and lobbying in the world, the U.S. and right here in Fairfield County.  She did a good job of raising the awareness of all in the room and successfully handled the Q and A.  Important work.


Charlie and Jack Hobbs


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