Thursday, October 13, 2016

He's Free! Dismantle the barricades...July 25, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                    July 25, 2013

He’s FREE!  Dismantle the barricades.  Send les miserables back to their families.  Justice has been served.  Frank Bernardo, looking none the worse for his unjust persecution, made a triumphant appearance at the Roger sans dog [who is apparently also free], but euphoric nonetheless.  Rumors that Inspector Jabert is one of the applicants to be New Canaan Police Chief created a high anxiety level in Frank, but could not suppress his embrace of freedom.  Stay tuned.  They’re still watching.
Just returned from a week in sweltering Maine, President Fred rang the bell at precisely 12:15 [your humble scrivener was looking at an Apple phone clock at the exact moment] and led the Pledge before calling on Pastor Eric, who had also recently returned, who thanked the Almighty for His/Her role in Frank’s salvation before blessing the food and our gathering.
Fred rose and asked for introductions of Visiting Rotarians and guests.  The former included District Governor Rick Bassett in an unofficial capacity and Wilton Rotarian Bud Boucher, and the latter another visit from Valerie Connally.
Lobstermeister Andy continues to distribute ticket allotments to all members.  Scott promoted the concept that any non-profit partner agency who sells tickets will receive 50% of the ticket price.  Any member who belongs to another non-profit should suggest the idea to its board.  The aforementioned Bud Bouchard has arranged for 48 tickets to the Wilton American Legion.
New Treasurer Tom was not in attendance so ex-Treasurer Rob urged everyone to bring his/her dues account current.  July 1 is the start of the reign of Fred the First and also the beginning of the R.I. fiscal year, so it is an auspicious time to be even with the world.
Apparently because Ben appeared solo at a recent Board Meeting, President Fred, a sympathetic sort, has decided that future Board Meetings will be held once a month immediately following a weekly lunch at the Roger in order that it will be harder to become confused and disoriented.  Fred claimed that any member would be welcome to attend.  How about by phone?
Hard-working Jack Horner has allowed gainful employment to interfere with his photo ID Club registry effort.  In an effort to re-focus his priorities, kindly email a head shot, your name, address, phone number, email address and spouse’s name to Jack at  He will then dazzle us with his technical acumen and create a document of limitless value which he will deliver to each member.  In an undoubtedly futile effort, I recommend that you do it NOW.
After a summer of triumph for Englishmen everywhere, Royal Fusilier Sergeant Steve Risbridger attempted a stint in the Sergeant spotlight only to experience the same fate as Limey golfer Lee Westwood at last week’s Open Championship – ignominious defeat.  Ten reasons why golf is better than sex inspired universal sympathy for Steve from members who, having seen him play golf, can only imagine his humiliation if his performance on the course is better than his performance between the sheets.  Sad, really.  He did however, collect fines from Jack Horner on the occasion of his father’s 90th birthday, Eric’s having been called to jury duty but spurned by all attorneys, Rob for his 61st birthday [he celebrated in court – Eric was not in the jury box], and Fred for his week in Maine.
District Governor Rick Bassett, apparently taking time from his Hell’s Angels meeting, unofficially presented President Fred with a large banner proclaiming R.I.’s new President Tom Coburn’s theme Engage Rotary/Change Lives and, to the horror of Fire Commissioner Jack Horner, attached an unauthorized accessory on Fred’s pristine white uniform in the form of a President’s pin.  As Joe Rucci pointed out, we generally don’t allow our presidents to wear their pin until they have survived the year.
In spite of heckler-in-chief Jim Cole’s presence in the room, once again Ken Campbell rose and introduced our speaker, 26th District State Senator Toni Boucher.  Toni, who had arrived directly from the dentist’s chair, suffered the ultimate political handicap as she was able to talk out of only one side of her mouth.  No offense.  She informed us that, at the tender age of 17, she was selected as a Rotary exchange student to Argentina where she spent a wonderful year and gained comfort and confidence in speaking to groups.  She has been using her oratorical skills ever since.  She painted a bleak picture of the future of our wonderful state if some courageous leaders don’t quickly appear and make the difficult decisions that need to be made to allow the state government to meet its contractual obligations.  As an example, Connecticut’s current unfunded pension obligations are $25,000,000,000 or 50%.  Were this to occur in the private sector, the government would weep, wail, gnash its teeth and denounce the perpetrator of this outrage as an evil capitalist swine with no concern for the middle class pensioners.  As it is… never mind.  She had more examples, but the bottom line is that, like Detroit, Connecticut cannot live beyond its means.  Unfortunately that hard fact has not yet been accepted in Hartford.  Toni is trying, but the party imbalance in the state, and the rest of the state’s tendency to view Fairfield County as the piggy-bank, don’t bode well for us.
Dave Bing


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