As a respectable crowd gathered and milled about . . . February 27, 2014
New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin February 27, 2014
As a respectable crowd gathered and milled about in the fire-warmed embrace of the historic Roger Sherman Inn President Fred initiated the meeting in a timely fashion, led the Pledge and called on Pastor Eric to ask the blessing. That's when things got weird. Eric's phone rang at that exact moment and speculation quickly spread that it was his BOSS calling. His blessing was more apology than prayer, but resulted in a welcome dearth of lightning strikes, so apparently all is well.
Anarchy reigned as Fred tried to bring the audience to heel, but the northeast table where Rob Avery and Sandy Malloy were ensconced proved intractable. Even when challenged Rob had a snappy retort and kept his side conversation going. A disappointing and surprising lack of respect for our President who looked like the president of a banana republic in his full uniform. When order was finally achieved and Fred asked for the introduction of Visiting Rotarians and guests it was with great pleasure that we welcomed Wilton resident and former New Canaan Rotarian Andy Lasala back into our midst.
President Fred then thanked Assistant District Governor Ben for organizing last Thursday evening's gathering at South End as an ego-reinforcing alternative to the traditional Losers' Lunch for those peasants left in town while all the successful people are either on the slopes or the beaches somewhere around the world. Nice venue, tasty food, good drinks and charming company. Can't beat that.
Fred and Ben referenced two emails sent during the past week announcing a 750% match for all Polio Plus donations from District Clubs for the next few weeks. Our leaders are working on some financial legerdemain which will allow us to maximize this opportunity. Transparency is deemed unnecessary and probably undesirable. Just send whatever you can to the NC Rotary Club with a Polio Plus note on the memo line and marvel as your $1.00 contribution turns into $7.50! Speaking for absent Treasurer Tom, Fred announced that some members are apparently not receiving bills. If you are one of these overlooked unfortunates email Tom at: and get on his distribution list. For those members who have received your bill and elected not to pay it, get it up. Fred then passed on the sad news that Gerri Goerke now living in Stamford and working in White Plains has reluctantly resigned.
A local family had contacted Fred about sponsoring their child as a Rotary Exchange Student. Fred liked the idea, but after investigating all the ramifications felt it necessary to decline. He is however bullish on the idea for the future and would like a volunteer to step forward as the point person to study the process and then lead the execution.
New Membership Chair Jim Cole, to be assisted by John Bemis, threw down the gauntlet with the ambitious goal of identifying, vetting and inducting 12 new members in the next 12 months. He reminded everyone that the correct sequence in this effort is to identify
a prospect, invite him/her to lunch two or three times [try to sit at different tables], run the name past the Board and then, and only then, if the Board is supportive, discuss membership with the prospect. Assuming both sides are eager to proceed the proposer should file an application with Jim. On the talking point front a past R.I. president suggested "We are an organization of service-minded individuals around the world who are working to make the world a better place with our efforts in water and sanitation, basic education and literacy, maternal and child health, disease prevention and treatment, economic and community development, and peace and conflict resolution." Pithy.
Allocation Chair Eric Fjeldal, to be assisted by John Bemis, related that he has sent out announcements/applications to our previous recipients as well as some new organizations recommended by members. Awards will be announced on April12. Dictionary Chair Keith Simpson, to be assisted by John Bemis, announced that due to what he referred to as "active breeding" some years ago the number of third graders in NC has increased resulting in an uptick in the number of books required. As it is a tradition that the cost of this program is "off the books," that is financed by separate donations, Keith asked that checks be directed to Treasurer Tom made out to the Rotary Club of NC with "dictionaries" on the memo line.
Sergeant Scott then recounted a particularly satisfying Craig's List posting before passing among us. Rucci the Elder coughed up for a recent vacation [and Leo's unique necktie], Keith for a painless visit to Kevin, Leo for a possible future project with a group on the ground in the Philipines, Bill Walbert for the birthdays of two of his offspring and daughter Joanie's landscape design award for a plan for the Arctic Circle after global warming, and, finally, President Fred in honor of wife Sue's birthday.
Program Chair Ken then rose to introduce Afghanistan-born New Canaan resident Shekaiba Bennett, married to NC born and bred husband Derek, who delivered a fascinating overview of the history and current situation in the country of her birth. The country was formed by the British drawing a line around a geographic area containing Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Turkmen, Balok and Pashai tribespeople, all with different geneologies, roots, customs, religions, etc. which has resulted in a divided citizenry. She thought that at one time the country worked acceptably and was "the Switzerland of Central Asia" but that with the invasion and ten year occupation by the Soviets, civil war and the rise of the Taliban, invasion by NATO and ten years of war that the future looks bleak indeed. The presidential election for Karzai's successor will be held on April 5, but Shekaiba thinks things will deteriorate whomever emerges victorious. It is an economy based on heroin surrounded by neighbors who profit from that trade who have a vested interest in a weak and chaotic Afghanistan. Pretty sad.
Stanley McChrystal
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