Thursday, October 13, 2016

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin, February 6, 2014

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                         February 6, 2014

Breaking news: The Roger Sherman is not open for lunch for the foreseeable future, BUT for a group as influential and powerful as the New Canaan Rotary Club they will prepare and serve our traditional Thursday feast.  Be sure to thank Thierry for his consideration as you pass the maitre d'hotel podium.

No Visiting Rotarians or guests braved the winter conditions to join us, which was just as well as President Fred had kept a closely held secret that today's meeting was a Club Assembly.  Usually of limited interest to outsiders.  Sometimes of limited interest to members.  But not today…

After Valerie reported on her early efforts to arrange a wine and cheese [and probably some farm-to-table food offerings] at the Carriage Barn in conjunction with Jeff Barber at New Canaan Wine Merchants, tentatively scheduled for June 14, Fred called on Leo lll to 'splain what happened to him on the slopes at Okemo.  Leo was at the meeting, only his forth sojourn from his home since New Year's Eve, and looked smashing in a designer neck brace, which he will have to sport 24/7 for the next eight weeks.  While this will certainly be inconvenient, after hearing his description of the events on the slopes, he is fortunate to be as mobile as he is, not to mention being alive!  Traveling at an estimated 40 mph between his daughters one ski went deep into some ungroomed powder causing him to lose control and the other ski encountered a piece of stationery ice, propelling him some 15-20 feet through the air before landing on his face as his legs came over the top.  Although he was able to wiggle his toes and fingers [good news] he found himself unable to breath [bad news].  Melissa and Jessica protected him from following skiers and called the ski patrol who arrived quickly and professionally, stabilized his neck and transported him down the mountain, transferred him to an ambulance which took him to Springfield Hospital where they did some exploratory work before moving him, again by ambulance ,to Mary Hitchcock Hospital on the Dartmouth campus.  He had high praise for the 12 member trauma team who met him and treated him for a skull fracture, broken vertebrae and ribs.  Some way to welcome in the new year!!  He has returned to Dartmouth for a follow-up visit and received the good news that all healing is going well and that surgery is unlikely.  He expressed his gratitude for the good wishes and support from the Club.  It was pretty special to have him back in the fold.

Leo also reported on a visit with former NC Rotarian Rich Vidal who, following a divorce and near-fatal tree cutting accident has emerged as the husband of the country's foremost breast reconstruction plastic surgeon and the mayor of Lyme, N.H.  For those of us who knew Rich when he lived here, none of that came as a surprise.

Our esteemed leader will be a judge at this weekend's Newtown Science Fair.  He was instructed not to embarrass himself or the Club.  Next week, February 13, will be the annual Valentine's Day luncheon to which spouses and significant others are invited.  Fred requests that we email him our intentions so he can make appropriate arrangements with the Roger.  Do it now!  Keith had no updates on the Dictionary Project.  When the books arrive he will need help affixing labels and distributing them.  Fred announced that the District Conference and the District Assembly will be combined and held this year on May 2,3 and 4 in Mystic.  Fred and Ben are already planning to attend and will welcome any others who would like to participate.  It is an opportunity to get a sense of what the larger [District, National and International] Rotary world is up to.  Generally very informative and inspirational.  Eric reminded the members that his committee will initiate the allocations process in the coming weeks and that he would welcome recommendations for recipients.  Finally, Treasurer Tom stated that he believes he has sent bills for the quarter to all members.  Should you either have questions or have not received a bill, email him at:

And that's the way it was.  February 6, 2014.

Sonny Bono


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