Thursday, October 13, 2016

You could just sense it, the vibes were alarming...May 15, 2015


You could just sense it, the vibes were alarming.  Those in attendance had to contend with a low lavender hue emanating from the sconces and light bulbs.  The initial speculation was that the Sherman was in transition to either a bordello or a funeral parlor.  However, Fireman Fred was undeterred and called for order and the pledge at precisely 12:15.  Chaplain Eric then delivered the requisite homily.  It was a chilly, misty spring day but we were undeterred in swelling to four tables.  All of the tardy arrivals to the boudoir decor, including Simpson, Lewis, Walbert and Marty had to be reassured by the management they were in fact at the correct venue.  Speaking of Marty, Lisa was kind enough to make room at her table lest he be banished to the front hall.  We know Marty is not striving for a perfect attendance pin, as evidenced by his admonition that he had yet to break bread with a prospective member.  No visiting Rots today, but Brock Saxe brought his dad, Brock Saxe and Jim Cole introduced us to Ray Davies.  Fred included Ann Cheney as a guest.     Brock was called to report on the annual fall golf outing held this spring on May 8th.   As it turns out, we could have paid people to play, what with   Scott Hobbs auctioneering at the raffle table, we enjoyed a successful outing and made a substantial contribution to finally eradicating polio.  John Engel led the applause for the golf team.    ADG Ben Bilus gave a rundown on the District Conference held this past weekend o Mystic.  As usual, stimulating and inspiring, and certainly an incentive for our Club to get with it for the convention next year in Norwalk.  John Bemis is at the ready, fresh from Mystic and loaded for bear to promote the Rotary Foundation.  Locked in with Leo. John is pushing for geopolitical projects employing leverage to the nth degree.  As Fred reminds us EREY will wind up at the end of June.  Your $!00 contribution is important and does accrue to your account at RI.  Who knows?  You may be just around the corner from another Paul Harris Award.  Sgt@Arms Scott stunned everyone with another ethnic fable then proceeded to collect rubles from Magoo for a double- birthday and anniversary - a solid c-note.  Fireman Fred coughed up for consecutive annual runs down Tuckerman's Ravine   Keith expressed gratitude for completing the dictionary assignment.  Walbert plunked down mucho dinero as he will not be in attenndance next week.  That was the sad.  The happy?  Golfing in Scotland.  Valerie was delighted to have returned fro Seattle.  Ben Bilus was beside himself, as Betsy was enroute home from a sojourn in china.  Scott felt compelled to fess up to two dates, wedded to the fairLisa and a birthday for firstborn son.

            Lance Minor is an alcoholic.  This Billy Graham of the Bottle Belt held forth to an enraptured and attentive audience.  After his Hazelton treatment and untold effort, he has conquered substance abuse and is now a practicing therapist.  He explored AA and Al Anon.  He expresses a reliance on a higher power, but what counts is the higher power as one's faith in god or energy summoned from within, the bottom line is let it fly.  Lance is a compelling guy his message is equally compelling.  There is redemption and hope, but you must defer, (s) J Cricket


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