Thursday, October 13, 2016

On a perfect July day in The Next Station To Heaven President Eric...July 31, 2014

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                         July 31, 2014


On a perfect July day in The Next Station To Heaven President Eric called the meeting to order, led the Pledge and called on Pastor Eric to ask the blessing…which he did… at some length.  The membership moved rapidly and efficiently through the chow line before being shocked into the reality of a Ben Bilus controlled thermostat in the dining room.  Arctic conditions prevailed.


In an embarrassing grossly negligent oversight no one at the head table was prepared to introduce the guests at their table.   Unacceptable!  When a Visiting Rotarian or guest is at your table be prepared to introduce them and welcome them to our Club.  Walter and Carol [I'm sure they have a surname, but I don't know what it is because they were not introduced] from Lubbock, Texas introduced themselves and we all felt shame for our poor hosting.


Lobtermeister Rob distributed tickets, reminded everyone to seek partner organizations and to follow the Marty Rule when giving tickets away – give them in ones and twos to encourage the recipient to then invite more people and perhaps purchase a ducat or two.


Sergeant Scott then rose and related another of the quaint ethnic tales for which he is so beloved.  He collected fines from Fireman Fred for a week in Maine, Hobbs I for two weeks in South America, Leo for a week in Amagansett as well as a print spread on daughter Melissa, Ben for two one-time occurrences – a visit to Lubbock where he consumed a chicken-fried steak, B.T. for someone having noticed that he has moved his office, Chris Nyalis an IOU for having his great aunt die at 96, and Keith in memory of Mr. Olmstead late of the Public Works Department.


Former Rotary Exchange Student John Marlow then rose to introduce Assistant District Governor and former President of the Naugatuck Rotary Club Jennifer Merrill who is also serving as this year's Inbound Exchange Chair for the District.  She enlightened us on the process for recruiting, interviewing and recommending candidates to spend their high school junior year abroad.  Any Club sponsoring an outbound student is expected to host an inbound student.  Each inbound is typically hosted by three families during the course of the year, receives a one-time $800 stipend and then $75-100 per month from the host family, and attends the local high school where he/she is expected to keep up with the curriculum in English.  The outbound students state several country preferences and are matched by a third-party organization.  They are expected to immerse themselves in the culture and language of the host country.  This year the District has four outgoing and six incoming students.  A lively Q and A followed.


Cecil Rhodes


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