Pastor Eric had asked his Boss for good weather . . . Oct 9, 2014
Pastor Eric had asked his Boss for good weather for the Lobsterfest and it was so. So he decided to push his luck and ask that the small crowd in attendance at 12:15 swell to fill the room in the next few minutes and it was so. No telling what Eric might ask for next week, but his batting average is pretty high right now.
The only guest in the room was Pace Collester for the second time. He was the guest of John Engel, who was not in the room, but eventually arrived and served as anchorman in the absence of Kevin McLaughlin.
John Bemis will be emailing the membership a sign-up sheet for themselves, friends and families to pack meals in support of Stop Hunger Now from 11:00 – 1:00 on Saturday, October 25 at St. Mathews/Wilton Presbyterian Church on Route 106 in Wilton just before the intersection with Wolfpit Road. According to the good Pastor, this is a great fellowship opportunity for participants to have fun while doing good. The goal of 150,000 meals for the day is ambitious and will require a robust response.
John Marlow gave an update on the long-term exchange program he has been working on as our representative. The deadline for outgoing student applications from NCHS is October 25. He doesn't yet know whether anyone will apply. On the other side however, NC has a definite opportunity to host [the families need not be Rotarians] an "orphan" incoming student; that is one who has been identified by another club, but does not have willing host families in their town. John assures us that, if we can provide the hosts, the High School will welcome the student. John will get and disseminate additional information regarding gender, country of origin, etc. We must arrive at a decision by October 27 so think who you know who has a high school student[s] in the family who might be willing to be one of three host families for this "orphan" during the next school year and let John know.
Pastor Eric passed on a thinly veiled threat from the absent Treasurer Tom that the four or five remaining deadbeats should bring their first quarter dues accounts current before he sends out the second quarter bills next week. While he didn't explicitly add an "Or else," it was certainly implied.
The Christmas Party will be held at the Engel estate on Richmond Hill Road on the evening [Thursday] of December 11. Exact time and dish assignments will be forthcoming following next week's Board Meeting.
Sergeant Scott then held the audience in thrall as he related an environmental fable involving two oak trees, a woodpecker and an ash sapling. For the first time in recent memory not a single fine was forthcoming. Clearly we are in the post-summer doldrums.
Following an anxious few minutes of dead air while we awaited the arrival of Dan Debicella, Republican candidate for the Fourth Congressional seat currently held by Jim Himes and our speaker, he arrived and in an atypical political appearance spoke briefly on the subjects of tax code reform, healthcare and transportation. In a refreshing departure from recent political behavior during the ensuing Q & A he refused to attack his opponent, but rather offered specific compromise solutions to a number of complex problems in the areas of immigration, energy, the Secret Service, outmigration of Connecticut citizens, Congressional pork, transportation and electability. Like Congressman Himes, Dan is an attractive, well-spoken and well-educated young man. He is concerned about the direction of the country and its effect on future generations being able to achieve the American Dream. If you are happy with the status quo and wish to continue on the path of the past six years vote for Himes. If you want to change direction vote for Debicella. Pretty simple really.
Bill "Bubba" Clinton
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