heard on the street - Nov. 6, 2014
ROTARY BULLETIN-November 6, 2014
A nasty day, it was, with a driving rain and temperature hovering in the mid-forties, but we flocked to the Sherman in hopes of camaraderie. At 12:15, Eric glanced about the room and saw twelve bodies. Pressing on, he led the pledge and constructed a patriotic blessing, grateful the election din had ceased. When the loaves and fishes had been passed out, our band had swelled to three tables. There was no dolly table. In fact, there were no dollies. Besides us, Pace Collister was the only visitor, and he, again, appeared without his sponsor, John Engel. On the subject of weather, the elements and circumstances were ideal for an old fashioned cracker barrel sit around the pot bellied and Mother Nature be dammed. The topics varied among the tables but a sampling ensues. Chris Snyder opened a can of worms with his query regarding the Post Office. Everybody had an opinion, but the bottom line appears to depend on the whims of the twelve anointed postal gurus. In the absence of a consensus, our fate is to stand in line at Main and East- that is, if you can park within 100 meters. The marauding deer population raised a few hackles and one suggested that a bear might find a deer quite edible. Scotch that! Fireman Fred opined that bear refrained from deer. Now, as it was increasingly obvious we had no speaker, the subject turned to introductions. Ken Campbell defended his practice of adhering to the scripted biography for every occasion, despite seriously curtailing the allotted time for the message. Next week's Police Turkey Shoot in which the Town Fathers vie for the coveted Richard Perkin Trophy set off speculation that Penny Young could easily sweep the field.
Enough, said Eric, as he stood to dispense with the business at hand. Two items of note for next Thursday: The Richard B. White Piazza will be dedicated at Waveny Care at 5:30 and the Annual Boy Scout Testimonial honoring William Walbert will take place later in Stamford. Mike Hobbs is assembling a table for the occasion. Let him know if you plan to attend MHobbs@optonline.net.
Eric reported he had gained access to our club's website and downloaded and printed a club roster. Maybe so, but access is possible, the roster is available and printing same does not fly. John Marlowe states we are inching forward with the student exchange program. He hopes to identify a host family by March and we will learn the country of origination and gender of our student in January. Sgt@Arms Scott failed miserably with his second attempt in four weeks to arouse interest in a lemans class at Greenwich Obstetrics. Fines fared better. Jim Cole had a ten for Bill Walbert's moral support at the four car collision on Silvermine. John Bemis celebrated daughter's 21st birthday. "Ol four way test Walbert coughed up a fin for his late arrival. And Keith Simpson regaled us with a Dickens tale of the English Grande Dame who devoted the latter part of her days to the Boy Scouts. Not all the world's problems were solved but we strode out of the Tavern with renewed vigor. (s) Town Crier
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