Richmond Hill Special Edition . . . Dec. 11, 2014
With tremendous gratitude to our host and hostess who generously offered their lovely home [with the best parking in town] for the second consecutive year members whose surnames began with the letters A – R arrived at the seasonally decorated Chez Engel promptly at 1900 hours, appetizers in hand, to discover a bevy of appropriately uniformed comely young women who seamlessly handled the bar-tending, preparation and serving chores while holiday music was provided by the budding Harry Connick, Jr. on the piano and the coat check girl turned out to be the super efficient Max. The S – Z crowd straggled in over the next hour or so bearing decadent, but delicious desserts which eventually proved irresistible as the diners who were grazing at the eastern table slowly migrated to the west and congregated around the goodie-laden kitchen island. Fortunately for the rest of us Boston-bred John Burns departed before the Boston cream pie was cut and distributed.
Amy, working with Melissa and her staff, made it all look easy to the assembled revelers. We all know it is never easy and we owe her our gratitude for her planning and preparation. Her wonderful spouse Bruce, who shows up whenever there is work to be done more regularly than most members, I suspect deserves our thanks as well.
As always, leadership matters. President Eric was an early arrival, accompanied by the fair Renee, and honored the little people by circulating and spending a few of his precious minutes with each of us. The effect was similar to what occurred at the Brooklyn Nets/Cleveland Cavaliers game when William and Kate were shown to their court-side seats. The man has industrial strength charisma which is ratcheted up when he is accompanied by Renee. We are fortunate indeed to have such a gifted and benevolent leader.
John Bemis arrived sans bride as she is recuperating from hip replacement surgery. Joe Rucci and Gentle Ben did not arrive at all. They were both indisposed at their respective homes being nursed back to health by their Florence Nightingale-inspired wives following their own surgeries. While there were several unexcused absences, the attendance was quite strong and a rollicking good time was had by all. Thanks again to the Engels and Amy.
A reminder that there will be a noon meeting next week, Thursday, December 18 at the Roger. Assuming that Santa has sufficiently recovered, it will be the traditional and much-loved Grab Bag luncheon. Consider this: with the first string Elf unavailable, the highly suspect second string Elf is one heartbeat away from presiding over this fine tradition. If Rucci is unable to go, it is conceivable that B.T. could do to the Grab Bag what B.O. has done to the country!!! Show up with your wrapped gift and $5 ante to see how this anxious situation plays out.
When one looks around the world, even the Scrooges among us cannot ignore the fact that we are the most fortunate people on the planet. Let us all make it a point to be grateful for all that we have, not least the friendship and fellowship of our fellow Rotarians. Each of us can have a goal over the next few weeks to try to lighten the burden of someone suffering, to do something nice for someone who has no reason to expect it, and to pay forward any kindness done to us. There is too much suffering and ugliness in the world. It feels especially good at this time of year to be a part an organization that is trying to make it better. Merry Christmas to Rotarians all around the world; and to all a good night.
Joe "Santa" Rucci
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