Bring the mountain to Mohammed . . . Jan 22, 2015
Following the bell and the Pledge we had our own "je suis Charlie" moment when the President offered to "bring the mountain to Mohammed" as he moved from the dining room to the fireplace room in response to criticism that the audience in the latter space could seldom hear the blessing. No shots were fired and the meeting proceeded without incident.
Two guests graced us with their presence. John Engel brought architectural photographer Michael Bionda and Chris Nyilas introduced Alex Cranshaw. I believe I spied a relative of Marty Skrelunas but, if he was introduced, my mind must have wandered off. President Eric then recognized B.T. Bowler to report on last Thursday evening's initial Rotary Means Business meeting at the Ferguson Library in Stamford. B.T. informed us that of the 23 attendees seven were from NC with the balance representing Greenwich, Stamford, Darien and Westport. The vibe was constructive and positive and all present committed to keeping the effort going with an eye toward increasing participation from all Clubs. The only cautionary remark came from Keith Simpson who was all for Rotarians doing business with one another, but warned against diluting Rotary's primary mission, which is Service Above Self.
Eric then clarified last week's announcement that John Bemis would be his successor because Laura's circumstances have changed and she is moving to Norwalk. She will remain a member and hopes to resume active engagement as she settles into her new normal. He followed that with the news that John Marlow will be the 2015-2016 President-Elect, thus fulfilling the ruler's obligation to produce "an heir and a spare."
John Bemis, still wearing his Foundation Officer hat, informed the audience that the grant request for the Philippine Young Pioneers had been joined by the Darien and Westport Clubs and that any donations made before the application is submitted will be matched dollar for dollar by the District. Anyone wishing to contribute should get your check to John ASAP.
Bill Walbert pointed out that the New Canaan Community Foundation Annual Meeting will be held this evening at 7:00 PM at Waveny House. Among other business to be handled will be the induction of our own Leo III as the incoming President. Congratulations and our thanks to Leo for yet another generous and note-worthy contribution to the Next Station To Heaven. Valerie and Ben are in the process of arranging this year's version of the Wine and Cheese Evening at the Carriage Barn with representatives from the Carriage Barn, New Canaan Wine Merchants and Darien Cheese Shop. Date and details to come. Finally, Eric reported the disappointing news that no one has yet volunteered to quarterback the Friendship Dinner initiative. Who needs a project??
Stand-in Sergeant-At-Arms Bill Walbert set up a clever story, but had the punchline stepped on by John Engel and Chris Snyder. For those who missed it, the punchline was, "Whose phone is this anyway?] Fireman Fred had a sad for a bad out-of-town fire in a housing complex which led to another sad from John Bemis for a colleague who lost her home in that fire and a happy from Jim Cole whose friend had moved out two weeks before the fire. Ben had a happy because son # 2 is moving back east from LA to DC, and John Engel had a happy because he missed his Mommy and she is coming home. B.T. closed out the fines with some money for no apparent reason.
Former Assistant District Governor Ben rose and introduced current Assistant District Governor for Area 1 [NC, Darien, Greenwich and Stamford] and Area 2 [Norwalk, Westport and Wilton] Jane Smith. Her real name is Arisleyda Riehl, but Jane Smith is so much easier. She has held her office since July of last year and, having voluntarily agreed to take over Area 2, was sand-bagged by Ben, who was anticipating the replacement of numerous body parts in the coming months, and saddled with the responsibility for Area 1 as well. She briefly reviewed her time in office and encouraged a significant Club presence at this year's District Conference, the first held in Fairfield County in 25 years, May 14-17 at the Dolce Hotel and Resort in Norwalk. Going forward she is excited about all Area 1 and 2 Clubs participating in the Vision Program designed to help them create a positive and specific vision for each going forward. Also she is encouraged and wishes to reinforce the collaboration she has seen among her Clubs on fund-raisers, Rotary Means Business, grant requests, etc. Spirited and enthusiastic presentation.
Tony Robbins
posted by Jengel199 at 6:35 PM
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