Rotary Bulletin 5/17/07
Our President, smartly clad in aquamarine, struck the bell the way you would expect someone named “Nancy” to strike it [with a soft, tentative, feminine, mincing kind of blow], led the Pledge and deferred to Chaplain Ad who postulated that the Lord had spared him when, 52 years ago this very day he was plucked from the Pacific after his ship had been sunk by the Japanese, in order to avert chaos in the New Canaan Rotary Club many years later.
The Robinson/Rucci feud reached new heights [or depths] as the meeting progressed. Poor soft, tentative, feminine, mincing, little
Guests today included Gene Tonkavich, Roy Riggio, both with the above mentioned Rucci the Elder, the formidable Dr. Jim Rini, and from the Bank of New Canaan new president Bob Cocks and Patrick Hoey.
Phil McLain reported that he had presented Rotary sponsored dictionaries to all third graders at
Responding to yet another Rucci barb, President Nancy reminded the membership that the end of her term of office and Amy’s installation will occur on the evening of June 28 at the Roger Sherman. Cocktails will be served starting at 6:30 and spouses/significant others are welcome. She asked that those who plan to attend RSVP to the Roger.
Phil Mc Lain then introduced the day’s speaker, Mike Milvestead, Phil’s yoga instructor. Ad inquired why instruction was necessary – he used to be the catcher for the Yankees. Moving right along, Mike explained how he had evolved from a Gonzaga “Zag” to a Navy supply officer on a fast attack nuclear submarine [and in the process became the inventor of nuclear yoga], to treasurer of Lehman Brothers to Phil’s yoga slave. Much like the shoe shine guy in Bonfire of the Vanities, Mike comes to Phil’s office several time a month and services him on the spot. A very interesting and interactive program.
Next week is one of the highlights of the Rotary year – the Allocations Luncheon. Be there or be square.
Tom Wolfe
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