Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                         November 23, 2009


Everyone was not able to fully participate in the New Canaan Rotary Club’s Fiftieth Anniversary extravaganza last Saturday evening, including your humble scrivener.  In response to a request to our esteemed president for an accounting of events of the evening so that, at least, a gonzo journalism version could be presented to members, both those present and those not, for their edification, like Steve Risbridger, I got nuthin.  David emailed Scribe Nancy to ask for her impressions of the celebration as she was present, with the fair Ron, from the inception of the evening to the bitter end, but apparently ignorant of the geographic freedom offered by the internet, Nancy begged off on the basis that she isn’t in New Canaan at the present time.  The only illumination from today’s meeting was that Senator Dodd, apparently secure in his bid for re-election, was a no-show, as was Desert Dave,  and sole remaining charter member Peter Santella gave a stirring speech in response to receipt of a priceless memento of the celebration.  Gentle Ben recognized the contributions made by the Anniversary Committee chaired by producer of almost everything in town, Bill Walbert.  During my relatively short sojourn at the Carriage Barn I was delighted with the Kerchoff family power point presentation of fifty years of New Canaan Rotary.  Some familiar faces and a number of nostalgic appearances.  My favorite was one of the dishwashing crew on Christmas Day at the Roger prominently featuring the good doctor and his winsome wife, Faith.  Perhaps for the benefit of those not in attendance this could be presented as a program one Thursday.


As President David was uncharacteristically late, The bell rang itself, Ad faked a prayer and then pushed to the head of the chow line in a huff.  David eventually appeared and seized control of the meeting.


David and Roy Riggio, who was celebrating a birthday and who looked great for an 80 year old man, had two guests whose names eluded your correspondent.  If they show up again I will try to get their names at that time.  If not, we don’t need to be able to identify every itinerant diner at the Roger Sherman.


Sergeant Scott reprised a touching tale of a wayward penguin.  Notable fines were paid by Gridiron Roastee Mike Hobbs for the gentle handling he received at the hands of Walbert and company, Roy for the above mentioned birthday and Newport Frank in honor of Santella’s speech.


President David then explained the Clean Your Mile sign up sheet which he circulated.  Rotarians will have multiple opportunities to serve.  Show up at Kiwanis on Saturday at 9:15.  If he is smart, David will have coffee and donuts waiting.  Teams will then dissemble and head for their assignments.  Just show up and all will be revealed.


There being no program, Mike Hobbs alerted the membership to the first of a business leaders series at the NC Library on Sunday, May 3 at 5:00 at which resident Bob Seelert, non-executive chairman of Saatchi and Saatchi, will discuss his new book, Start With the Answer.  There is no charge, but attendees are requested to notify the Library to insure the appropriateness of the venue.  Bob is a very bright, talented and experienced manager who will be sharing his accumulated wisdom from an impressive business career.  Having known Bob for many years, read his book and watched several of his television interviews, I confidently predict an enjoyable and informative program.


Charles Saatchi

Thursday, April 09, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                            April 9, 2009


David breezed into the Roger promptly at 12:14 and 47 seconds, dropped his satchel at his throne and rang the bell.  No preamble, no schmoozing, no networking.  Pastor John Kerchoff saw this as an opportunity and filled the void with a lengthy prayer.  Having been forewarned by the reappearance of ADDT in the parking lot, the crowd parted like the Red Sea and Adolph marched from the rear of the dining room through the opening unimpeded to the buffet where he filled his plate, accepting homage and accolades from the members as is his due.  Because Joe Rucci was absent no turf wars developed between the FBI and local law enforcement represented by NC Police Chief Ed Nadriczny in our midst.  The meeting was off to a sublime start worthy of the glorious spring day on display beyond the windows.


Aside from the large number of speakers, our only guest was Jose from Brazil in his farewell appearance for this visit.


President All Business All The Time Rucci leapt to the podium, acknowledged the absence of President-Elect Lots of Talk Most of the Time Walbert, which allowed for a largely truncated announcement session, and got right to it.  April 25 at 4:00 pm at the NC Library the Lyme Disease film, sponsored in part by our Club and featuring members of the Deer Committee [at least the program will feature them; I’m unclear about their presence in the film] will be shown.  David assured us that the program will be a hoot.  The Gridiron events will be April 15 for the womens and 17 for the mens commencing around 6:30 at the Country Club.  Our 50th anniversary celebration, WHICH IS IN LIEU OF NEXT THURSDAY’S MEETING [you will recall that members’ tickets are covered by the application of the cancelled meeting’s tariff to the anniversary celebration], will be held at the Carriage Barn on April 18 starting around 7:00pm.  The Kerchoff family is putting together a high tech digitized retrospective and Dr. John requested that any photos, articles or other memorabilia not yet in his hands be delivered either to John his own self or son Andy at the humming Hummer Building at Karl Chevrolet.  Ex-President, Ex-Assistant District Governor Frank Bernardo will represent our humble Club at the District Conference in Newport.  It was whispered that President David had been forced to ensconce him in the Breakers and ply him with lobsters and champagne, but at least we will not be humiliated by a lack of representation.  Following his birthday celebration success, Frank offered to parachute in.


In the absence of both Scott and Steve, and with David having exhausted his A material last week, Frank was called upon to act as Sergeant-at-arms.  Following an interminable story about being rousted by the fuzz as he navigated the hood returning from Passero’s house on foot one evening last week, Frank gave a half-hearted effort and then passed among us as John Burns seized the floor for some right wing schtick.


Fireman Fred then rose to introduce our attractive, articulate and timely speakers, the aforementioned Chief Ed, Red Cross Head Stacey Hafen and Red Cross volunteer Susan Boston.  Due to a pressing appointment at Dunkin Donuts, Ed went first so he could leave early.  He opened with a little schtick of his own before launching into the meat of the program which was local preparedness for whatever the modern world has in store for our community in the future.  There are natural disasters, possible unpleasant school scenarios, potential terrorist activities, infrastructure failure, power disruptions, etc., etc.,etc.  They reviewed the training and preparations that first responders have been taking and indicated that it was now time for the citizens to prepare thoughtfully and intelligently to be independent, with no outside help of any kind, for up to a week.  Develop a family plan, how will we communicate, where will we meet, what supplies and equipment do we need; call Santella to purchase a generator; make sure your address is visible to any emergency worker; familiarize yourself with the website “;” think what to do with pets; reach out to vulnerable friends and family; learn first aid and CPR and how to administer the Heimlich maneuver.  If disaster strikes we don’t want to look like the Ninth Ward.  A timely and well-delivered program.  The Red Cross will be running a Readiness Fair on April 25 in front of Town Hall to further this effort.


Bulletin:  This just in.  There will be a Board Meeting at David’s office next Tuesday at 5:00 pm.  He will serve cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.


Mayor Ray

Thursday, April 02, 2009

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                             April 2, 2009


The excitement was palpable.  Anticipation hung heavy in the rarified air at the Roger Sherman as Rotarians arriving in the parking lot could not fail to notice the white Malibu chariot with the license ADDT parked among the more ostentatious vehicles.  This circumstance could augur but one thing – the return of the Godfather.  Still short, but more swarthy after three months in Florida [either on the east or west coast], the majestic figure of Adolph Tomaselli was indeed in the house.  Except for one brief moment when Rucci the Elder in a frenzy to honor his mentor and idol threatened the Congregational minister who was our speaker with bodily harm if he preceded Adolph through the chow line, everything seemed right with the world and the meeting proceeded normally until Kerchoff the Elder included in his blessing mention of a gnome.  Fortunately Ad has lost even more of his hearing and did not seem to hear the alleged slight.


Almost overlooked in the furor over Ad, was the return of our own prodigal son, Rick the Klam, also from the Sunshine State.  He looked ravishing.


Guests included the ever popular group Trish and the Brazilians.


President David announced a Rotary sponsored film on Lyme disease at the Lamb Room of the NC Library on April 25 at 4:00 pm.  He did not explain why it was being sponsored by us.  He also asked for at least one volunteer to accept the president’s responsibility and attend the District Convention in Newport.  Succumbing to a popular draft, the offer of a club paid junior suite at the hotel and a reminder from the senior Rucci that Newport is lobster country, Frankie the Claw appeared to have agreed to serve.


The Bill Walbert show then commenced.  He announced, wearing his Gridiron Club hat, that the poor wretch selected as this year’s fall guy is none other than our very own Michael D.  Ladies night will be April 15 at CCNC.  Reservations may be made by calling 966-3513.  The tariff is $55.00.  The men will see the very same show on April 17 at the same venue commencing at 6:00.  Ducats may be purchased by sending a check  in the amount of $70.00 and an assertion that one is the guest of Bill Walbert to P.O. Box 1686.  This year’s charity beneficiary is the Multiple Myeloma Foundation.  Bill will be attending the District Assembly on April 23 and would welcome company.  Clean Your Mile will be celebrated, with Rotarians performing many different jobs this year, on April 25.  In his final remarks, President Elect Bill [it promises to be a very long year] reminded one and all of the 50th Anniversary celebration at the Carriage Barn at 7:00pm on April 18.  Exhausted, he reclined.


Sgt Scott then performed a truncated bit of B material and received tribute from Walbert on the occasion of his 50th birthday [has it occurred to anyone that Bill and the NCRC were born on almost the same day?], Skip Sisson in honor of a recent conversation with the Earl of Sandwich, Walter Charming Barnes, and charter member Pete Santella for 52 years of marriage to the fair Regina.


Fireman Fred then rose to thank Marty for his intrepid leadership of the Rotary effort at the Young Women’s Club Easter Egg Hunt on the Waveny grounds on Saturday last.  Marty humbly brushed aside any credit while pointing out the critical importance of Carolyn Clark’s contribution while picking up deer poop from the young children’s area [a most important job when the object of the search is jelly beans, if you get my drift].


Jim Kreitler then introduced the day’s speaker, Fairfield Congregational minister David Rowe who gave, in the opinion of your humble scrivener, one of the best and most inspirational programs I have heard in 40 years.  He is heavily involved in many faceted good works with the poor in southern India starting with his involvement as one of the founders of Habitat for Humanity and including starting and running schools, churches, hospitals, microloans and orphanages.  He recounted the ubiquitous presence of Rotary and Rotarians as inspirations and enablers at every step along the way.  It humbled me to hear what a difference this one man was making in the world and it made me proud to be part of the organization that was helping him do it.  Great Program, Jim!


Jimmy Carter