Looking tan, fit and feisty, President Bill took full control of the small band of loser Rotarians who showed up at the Roger while the better class of people were in Cape Cod, Nantucket or hob nobbing with the Obamas on
Bill rose from the trough promptly at 12:45, a first for his reign, and asked for introduction of Visiting Rotarians and guests. There being none of the former in the room, Mike
Further cementing his place as the most versatile chief in recent memory, Bill then took on the sergeant-at-arms duties. Though he did not have even any C material, he did pass among us and collect a few fines, the most notable of which came from Keith Simpson who expressed gratitude that his design of the
Continuing his one man band exhibition, Bill then announced that both Alice Knapp and Chris DeMuth had met the stringent admission criteria and, in spite of no pin, no badge, no certificate, no four way test and no rule book or history of Rotary, were now members of our local club. The hazing, the song, the grip will have to wait for another day. Chris was then given the extemporaneous autobiography test which he passed with flying colors. He was born in
By now Bill was so wound up that he announced that John Engle had, in an amazingly short two weeks, arranged the first annual Rotary Golf Tournament and proceeded with sufficient detail that when Joe Rucci finally shamed him into letting John talk, President John Adams emerged from his post prandial slumber and excoriated John for talking too long. The gist of the deal is that on October 14 we will have at the Country Club of New Canaan a lunch, a fun [as opposed to too serious] tournament, followed by a cocktail hour with heavy hors d’ouevres and a raffle for the bargain price of $250. John will let us know what the tariff will be for those who do not wish to golf, but would like to drink heavily following the competition. Spouses are welcome at all activities. More to follow. The proceeds will go in their entirety to match the Gates Foundation grant to Polio Plus.
David Rucci then gave a somewhat vague progress report on the Lobsterfest. The takeaway was that we all need to sell, sell, sell, get our money in to David, and plan to work as much of the time from 2:00 on Friday through Saturday night as possible. We still need sponsors and benefactors willing to donate beverages, etc. Tony’s Deli is gifting the cole slaw.
Finally, Trish reported that she can still fit another few people on the bus to
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