In the twilight of a mediocre career President Nancy called the meeting to order [sort of – there was a group of difficult to control rabble in the outer room who finally settled down at “and to the republic…”] and called on Chaplain Tomaselli to ask the blessing on this brilliant spring day. He confused our guests by singling out American corporate ceo’s for special consideration. Something about may God have mercy on their souls [or was it soles?]. A shaky start to a greatly anticipated allocations luncheon.
Our esteemed leader then rose to her full four foot ten and, with an unseemly smirk, declared that she was changing the normal cadence of the meeting “because I can!” The power has clearly gone to her head. In any event, she called for each of our numerous guests to stand and introduce herself [non-gender specific]. Following that impressive group Joe Rucci broke into the proceedings and introduced Bob Cocks from the Bank of New Canaan and then announced to a highly skeptical room that he “had nothing to say.” With the benefit of hindsight I can assure you, dear reader, that he, in fact, uttered not another sound throughout the balance of the meeting. Mirable dictu!
Giovanni and the steadfast Roger Sherman crew then served the day’s repast to a record crowd, including a number of stragglers who were accommodated due to the kindness of strangers. Innkeeper Tom was seen furtively peeking from the kitchen during the lull between salad and main course. When the entrees were distributed he seemed greatly relieved. Such was his transcendence that David Bryant reported Tom absent though he was clearly present and only obscured by being in the shadow of the imposing John Engel.
Not to be outdone, Leo 111 rose and praised Scott for his Iraqi Kids initiative and announced that he had recently bought a used military ambulance on spec and would be looking for help to get it delivered to Dr. Tom Flynn’s hospital in Haiti. Yet another example of the Rotary spirit at work, trying to make this troubled world a better place. More inspiration!
Paul Farmer*
*For those of you who don’t know who Paul Farmer is, and I suspect this encompasses pretty much everyone, run, don’t walk, to the NC Library and get Tracy Kidder’s book