Friday, July 12, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin July 11, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                              July 11, 2013

Marty showed up bearing a bundle of New Canaan Rotary Club banners and seemed surprised to find that Fred had usurped his role as Club President.  It appeared that Marty’s position was that he was supposed to serve for 52 weeks and, since he had been absent for many weeks last year, his term had not officially expired.  Fred went to the head table and Marty slunk to the back and the crisis was averted.  The spirit of Les Miserables was present in the room as someone pointed out that, since he was notified that he “was being watched,”  Jean Valjean Bernardo has been incommunicado.  No one has seen either him or his dog for some weeks and the fear was that he has been spirited off to Guantanamo [or someplace] and left to rot.  To the barricades!!

President Fred, presiding over an ethnic sausage and peppers feast at his second official meeting, got the call for visiting Rotarians and guests right and was rewarded with Mike Hobbs introducing former NC Rotarian Bob Cruikshank as his guest.  While neither a visitor nor a guest, Roy Riggio’s presence attracted some notice.

In the absence of incoming Club Treasurer Tom Cronin, Rob Avery claimed to have sent out all dues bills and vowed to stay on the job until the audit was finalized.  Foundation Chair John Bemis then announced the welcome news that we qualify as an Every Rotarian Every Year Club during Marty’s year because of our 100% participation at the $100 dollar level.  This is an outstanding achievement and our Club should feel very proud of itself and grateful to John for his inspired leadership.  The R.I. Foundation is a wonderful steward of our philanthropic dollars and one of the world’s most efficient charities.

Lobster Czar Andy then announced that he would distribute 12 Lobsterfest tickets to each member at the close of the meeting.  There is no provision for returning unsold tickets to Andy after the event.  Sell ‘em or eat ‘em!  Partner organizations will receive half of the $30 face value for every ticket they sell.  Another pitched battle for sales supremacy between the Methodists and the Catholics is anticipated.

Sergeant Scott educated us about how some symptoms can lead to incorrect diagnoses.  Very interesting [and tasteful].  Notable fines were received from Long Tall Steve for the week he had just spent eating strawberries and cream at Wimbledon, Gerri Goerke for moving from the Red Cross to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center, and President Fred for a week in Maine.

That pesky police chief search once again caused Program Chair Jim Cole to fail in his Rotary responsibilities and so, rising phoenix-like from the past, Ken Campbell introduced our speaker, ex-physical therapist, ex-Red Cross development officer, and current Executive Director of the St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation, Lynn McCarthy.  She explained that the Foundation is the centralized fund raising arm for the disparate campuses and missions of the Behavioral Health Center, College and Hospital.  While there are numerous fund raisers throughout the year for breast cancer, first responders, and prostate, pancreatic and liver cancer research and treatment, the big effort is the 26th edition of the Swim Across the Sound Marathon.  The swimmers, each matched to a boat with captain and EMT on board, are ferried to Port Jefferson on the Long Island side where they start the 25 kilometer [15.5 mile] swim and arrive at Bridgeport’s Captain”s Cove between 2:30 and 6:30.  The Swim raises approximately $2.6 million annually and helps more than 20,000 people each year.  Lyn recounted a number of heart-wrenching anecdotes about where the proceeds are spent.  Certainly an eye-opening presentation about yet another organization which has found a way to harness the human spirit to help those of our fellow citizens who find themselves in need.  Inspiring!

Mark Spitz

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin June 27, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                           June 27, 2013

Following last week’s changing of the guard ceremony, nothing changed.  Marty was absent and Fred led the Pledge and called on Pastor Eric who blessed the new administration as well as the food.  Exotic new broccoli flan and scalloped potato rounds highlighted our delicious lunch.

President Fred rose at the appropriate moment and asked for the introduction of Visiting Rotarians and guests.  There were none of the former.  Apparently old Bostonian John Burns lost his Stanley Cup bet and was forced to show up in coat, tie and shorts.  Thus clad, he rose to introduce his son-in-law and father of his new grand daughter, Nick Sizk.

Fred the asked pop-up park godfather John Marlow for a report on the weekend effort.  John announced that by all accounts it was a success and, as with all first efforts, can be tweaked to make it even better next year.  Jack Horner requested that anyone with photos from the event forward them to him for PR purposes.  Kudos to all new members who conceived, planned and executed this well received initiative.

The “What Was He Thinking” award went to ex-treasurer Rob who arrived at South Avenue and Elm on Sunday evening to help clean up with a cigar in his mouth and his hand stanching a torrent of blood from a gash in the back of his head.  Smarter people than Rob prevailed upon him to seek medical assistance.  After several false starts he wound up at Norwalk Hospital where six staples were required to close his wound.  Fortunately the insult was to his head and not some important organ, so he appears to be fine.

Lobstermeister Andy has Lobsterfest tickets which he distributed to group liaison members following the meeting.  He will have individual member envelopes at the next meeting which will take place on July 11.  I say again – there will be NO meeting next Thursday, July 4.  The next meeting will be on July 11.  The Roger Sherman will be closed for American Independence Day.  Do not show up at the Roger next week.

President Fred reiterated the request of the management that all able bodied Rotarians park in the Presbyterian Church lot and leave the spaces in the Roger lot for full fare diners. 

Fred then rejected Sergeant Scott in favor of President John Adams who played a mind/time game by reciting from memory the Gettysburg Address which wasn’t delivered until more than half a century after his death.  Nonetheless an impressive and inspiring feat.  He pointed out that the speech was given at the dedication of the Gettysburg Cemetery, lasted two minutes, and followed featured speaker Edward Everett’s two hour speech [of which no one can remember a thing].  A little historical perspective – Iraq and Afghanistan over more than a decade, American casualties including wounded under 10,000.  Battle of Gettysburg over three days, casualties 46,000 – all American.  Mind boggling.

George then passed among us and collected a few notable fines including one from On-time Kevin McLaughlin for having received an unsolicited senior discount at Dunkin Donuts, Sandy Malloy who will retire after her last day at Waveny tomorrow, B.T. Bowler in admiration for the recitation, and John Burns for the arrival of his previously mentioned grand daughter.

Then, in a shaky start, President Fred invited the speaker to introduce herself.  Hopefully we can do better in the future.  Trish Gibbs, former first lady of Norwalk, and the current volunteer director of the Norwalk/Nagarote, Nicaragua Sister City Project, rose without appearing to take offense and turned on a video explaining the project.  It started 27 years ago when a delegation from Norwalk was visiting Nicaragua during the Contra conflict.  The group went to Nagarote and saw poverty, hopelessness and no apparent way forward.  Partnering with various individuals, organizations and churches, the Norwalk folks set out to make a change.  Over the past 27 years they have worked with the most disadvantaged children in Nagarote to help with academic courses, practical training in baking, sewing, and catering, a model nursery and tree farm which has planted tens of thousands of trees grown from seeds and a model organic garden providing food and teaching best practices for the students.  They have recently completed a new community center with classrooms and work space for a rapidly growing pre-school program which is partnered with the Norwalk Community College Early Childhood Education program.  Yet another example of starting right here, right now, with the available resources to change the world, one person at a time.  Trish thanked us for our 2012 $500 contribution to their scholarship effort.  Excellent program.

Cristina Juan Dilma Nicolas Raul Che Fidel Daniel Ortega



June 20, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                             June 20, 2013

On a gorgeous early summer evening a dapper group of Rotarians, accompanied by their extremely decorative spouses [spice?], gathered beneath the newly erected pergola on the south lawn of the historic Roger Sherman Inn for the annual bittersweet changing of the guard.  Cocktails were consumed al fresco with no excessive violence and the show moved inside to a gourmet delight of summer salad, grouper or lamb, topped off with individual lava cakes and coffee.

To initiate the festivities an elongated appearing Marty led the Pledge and called  on Pastor Eric to ask the blessing.  While he had the unruly group’s undivided attention, and before the blessing, he shared the joyous news that Joanie Walbert had only that day rung the cancer-free bell on her last trip out of the hospital.  Following a spontaneous round of applause at the wonderful news, Eric delivered one of his inspirational best and everyone sat down with hearts overflowing with a desire to be of service to their fellow man [and woman].

There was a considerable lag between the seating of the voluble diners and the service of the salad course.  This proved of little consequence as everyone apparently spoke at once [one ponders, who listens?] and spontaneous wine orders proliferated.  There was a Friendship Dinner vibe as virtual strangers found themselves immersed in social discourse with tablemates they scarcely knew, only to discover what copacetic company they were.  And then the food arrived, more wine orders were placed, and the decibel level dropped a notch or two.

For the final time in his presidential term President Marty, eschewing his platform, rose and recounted the numerous triumphs which occurred because of his leadership and thanked those whose efforts, though secondary, were of some importance.  He mentioned the Lobsterfest, Golf Tournament and cocktail party, Clean your Mile and the impending Pop-Up Park conceived and to be executed by this year’s new members.  And then, amid raucous demands for an audit, Marty called unindicted Treasurer Rob to the podium to receive a plaque of recognition for three years of faithful service.  As the crowd settled down, Marty invited Assistant District Governor and Past President Ben Bilus to announce and display the award given to our Club for its contribution to the Polio Plus effort over the past two years.  Ben’s past life as a lawyer made an unwelcome appearance as he laid the groundwork for a challenge to Marty deserving the award as it was, in fact, awarded for contributions made in Ben’s year as well.  Sad, really.

Ben then called on Mike Hobbs to honor our longtime member Chase DiPanni who was visiting from Florida on the occasion of the award of his 50th year perfect attendance pin.  Mike began by invoking the memory of our recently departed member Ad Tomaselli who was joined at the hip to Chase for most of those 50 years.  We miss him every week.  Mike then recounted the story of a previous 50 year man [actually 62 according to Chase who was seated next to him on the day Chase received his 10 year pin], Mike Pollack, whose streak was in danger of being broken because he was in the hospital and there was no dispensation in those days.  Eric’s predecessor, Pastor Paul Sartorio, directed that everyone just get up and leave and he would adjourn the meeting in Mike’s hospital room following a prayer.  When Mike arrived at the following week’s meeting and tried to tell the membership what that act of kindness meant to him there was not a dry eye in the normally cynical and irreverent room.  With that out of the way Chase came to the front of the room where Mike pointed out that he looked at 87 years of age exactly as he looked at 37.  Mike also recalled how important Chase had been to the growth of the Club and then let Chase talk.  Chase allowed as how the closest his streak came to getting broken was when his employee Dominick Casciari ran over him with a truck and he, following a trip to the hospital where his arm, broken in three places, was placed in a cast, drove himself to a meeting in Cheshire.  Clearly Rotary has been an important part of Chase’s life, a source of many lasting friendships, and an avenue of service to the world.  Fifty years of perfect attendance!  What an accomplishment!

And then it was time.  President Fred, as experienced an incoming chief executive as we have ever had, though not a comfortable extemporaneous public speaker, rose and read his acceptance speech.  Like Fred himself, it was not flashy, but full of substance and meaning.  The whole thing took about a minute and a half before he closed with, “Thank you” and rang the bell.  The stunned crowd, following a minute of confusion, went back to whatever they had been doing before with no thought of leaving.  Half an hour later the crowd thinned out.  A little anarchy to say goodbye to Marty and hello to Fred can’t be a bad thing.


June 13, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                            June 13, 2013

President Marty strolled into the Roger at 12:13 looking loose and free, called the meeting to order for the next to last time and embarked on a low volume Pledge before calling on the sorely missed Pastor Eric for an inspirational blessing.

Having completed his leisurely last meal, Marty once again, as he has so often in the past, asked for introductions of Visiting Rotarians and visiting guests.  We’re certainly going to miss that!  John Engel introduced the only visiting visitor, his guest, incumbent Chair of the New Canaan Land Trust, Chris Schiffer.

John Marlow, Jack Horner and Laura Einstein then reported on the pop-up park featuring water inspired art work by New Canaan children which will set up next Friday, June 21 at the intersection of South Avenue and Elm Street and remain through the weekend.  Volunteers will be needed to man the display and a Lobsterfest ticket table which will be set up on the sidewalk in front of McKenzie’s.

Keith Simpson then made his final Dictionary report of 2013 by thanking Don McIvor for his extraordinary support of the program.  Both Keith and Marty once again mentioned the enthusiastic gratitude of the recipients.

In a gracious effort to ease the always strained transition of power, Marty encouraged all Rotarians and their significant others to attend his successor’s coronation at the Roger next Thursday evening with cocktails commencing at 6:30 and dinner served at 7:30 at no cost for either members or guests, except for the open bar.  In spite of a prominent announcement in last week’s Bulletin requesting all members to RSVP to so that Fred can give the Jofres a head count, many in the room were shocked, shocked I say, to hear that some small effort was required on their part.  Let’s try again.  Let Fred know NOW!

As Carolyn asked, and then followed up by asking again, Marty assured her that the Roger has been notified that we will not be having lunch there at 12:15 on Thursday, June 20.  Marty further stated that the Board has decreed that there will also be no regular Rotary luncheon on Independence Day, July 4, 2013.  One would assume that the responsibility to notify the restaurant would fall to then-President Fred.

Rotary Foundation Chief John Bemis then repeated his appeal made a week ago that all members consider adding $50.00 to the $50.00 they have already contributed by way of a since-abandoned dues check-off system to The Rotary International Foundation before the end of the R.I fiscal year on June 30 so that we will qualify as an Every Member Every Year [EREY] Club.

It was at approximately this point in the proceedings when a pall fell over the meeting.  With all the government intrusion into private lives and regulatory overreach emanating from Washington, Frank Bernardo’s absence after his shocking act of animal cruelty and his assault of a local police officer, was missing from the meeting.  No one could state definitively that they had seen Frank.  Is this yet another example of government run amok?  While no rational citizen can possibly excuse Frank’s transgressions, even he is entitled to due process.  Your humble scrivener will bring the full influence of the Fourth Estate to bear on local law enforcement officials to ensure that Frank is freed in time to attend Fred’s coronation.

At that moment President Marty rose for the final time in his official capacity as President at a regular meeting to ask Acting Program Chair Ken Campbell to introduce our speaker.  Ken, who had actually asked Peace Corps Volunteer veteran Penny Zuckerman to address us more than 15 minutes prior to her appearance [for the first time in four weeks], appeared relaxed as he invited Penny to the podium.  She is a poised and attractive young lady who graduated from Darien High School and GettysburgCollege before being assigned to help the citizens of the multi-ethnic West African nation of Togo with agricultural and environmental projects while serving a two year tour with the Peace Corps.  She gave a lively and informative computer-aided presentation which left us with an impression of an idealistic young American woman, living in primitive conditions, with adequate training, but precious little direction, doing her best to improve the lives of a population less fortunate than herself.  Inspirational!  Ken thanked her and rang the bell.

Chris Shays

June 6, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                       June 6, 2013

President Marty texted his salutations to the membership through President-Elect Fred who got the meeting off to a timely start before calling on Assistant District Governor Ben for a blessing which proved barely adequate for any faith tradition.  It must be noted that when measured against Eric’s standard no one stands much of a chance.

Some members had already assumed their seats and most were through the buffet line when the bionic Carolyn Clark arrived flaunting her new titanium hip, prompting a spontaneous burst of applause.

There were no Visiting Rotarians or guests.

Fred announced once again that his coronation will take place at the Roger on the evening of June 20, all significant others are invited and encouraged to attend, that any members who fail to appear will have a long and difficult next Rotary year, and that the normal lunch on that date is cancelled.  Kindly let Fred know your reservations at so that he may relay the correct number of his future subjects to the Roger.  Don’t put it off.  Do it now!

John Marlow then gave a comprehensive report on the new members’ Pop-Up Park initiative which will commence at the intersection of South Avenue and Elm Street with a social event on the evening of June 21 with the show itself to follow on the 22nd and 23rd.  It is to be a non-competitive [the first time that has ever been attempted in NC in any endeavor] artistic expression on the theme of clean water by artists from Toddler TimeNursery School and Saxe Middle School combined with an outreach educational effort to the community on the subject of Rotary International.  In addition to John, new members Tom Cronin [who arrived looking like a Ralph Lauren model], John Bemis, Laura Einstein, and Jack Horner have conceived and are in the process of executing this plan with guidance and inspiration from Marty, Fred and Treasurer Rob.  Volunteers, to be sought next week, will be required to man tables and talk about Rotary.

Our local Club R. I. Foundation Chair John Bemis then took the floor to explain that the R. I. fiscal year ends on June 30.  All local members have contributed $50 to date through the since abandoned dues check-off.  John requested that all members donate the remaining $50 prior to the end of June so that we may be designated an Every Rotarian Every Year [EREY] Club.

Under Carolyn’s critical eye, Treasurer Rob then rose to deliver what he laughingly referred to as a financial report on the golf tournament and cocktail party.  Supplemented by receipt of data from Stamford which arrived during the meeting on Fred’s cell phone the results look something like this: golf revenues - $16,550; cocktail party revenues - $4,384; total revenues [returns from Wilton are not included] - $20,934; total expenses – $15,527; net profit [with miscellaneous outstanding revenues yet to be collected] - $5,407.  Carolyn’s elf, Laura Einstein then delivered thank-you notes from the party committee to all members who either contributed or arranged for contributions to the raffle.  Once again, congratulations and thanks to John Engel, Brock Saxe, Tom Cronin, Carolyn Clark and Laura Einstein on a terrific effort!  And thanks to all the golfers and revelers.

Fred reported that Ad’s Bench is still awaiting its christening as Helen continues to mend.  We have missed the blossoms; hopefully we can make this happen before the leaves also fall.

Proving that “You can’t make this stuff up” Sgt. Scott read a number of real headlines from real newspapers leading to speculation that drugs must be of epidemic proportions in the headline writing rooms of the country’s newspapers.  Leo III contributed some bucks for the NCHS Girls Lacrosse team and the Boys Baseball team, both of which will be playing for state championships on Saturday; Scott for his twins’ move from Middle to Upper School at St. Luke’s; John Burns for his Boston Bruins’ inexorable charge to the Stanley Cup; Boris for the birth of his second granddaughter last week; and finally a tawdry tale of animal abuse and assault of a local police officer by Frank Bernardo who remains under surveillance and is on very thin ice.

Program Chair Jim Cole is very preoccupied with the hiring of our new Police Chief [who we can only hope will keep Bernardo under control] and has enlisted the help of his predecessor, Ken Campbell, to provide educational, entertaining and inspirational fare for the members in Jim’s absence.  Having watched Marty in recent weeks generate programs out of thin air, Ken employed his many years of experience to do the very same thing today.  Thalia Andersen is a Clinical Supervisor for the Family Centers operating out of their Darien office.  Ken provided her with a full 30 minutes’ notice that she would be addressing us and she responded with an excellent presentation.  The Family Centers is a social service organization which runs a large number of programs for citizens of Greenwich, Stamford, Darien and New Canaan out of offices in Greenwich, Stamford and Darien.  She cited programs dealing with spousal support, survivors of suicide, child loss, nurturing families, coping skills for adults, post traumatic stress disorder, and depression and anxiety management, in addition to their extensive individual counseling efforts as examples of what they do.  Family Centers is an incredible organization which provides all these services without regard to ability to pay, on a sliding fee scale.  Super program!  Great job, Ken!

Harry Houdini



May 30, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                        May 30,2013

As the witching hour approached the buffet room at the Roger filled with supplicants arriving at the end of their pilgrimages to receive alms from our Allocations Committee version of the Good Samaritan, Pastor Eric.

President Marty was able to lead the large and unruly group in the Pledge and Eric made a good start on one of his patented inspirational blessings, only to be seized with a violent coughing spell which prevented him from either proceeding or completing the prayer.  Fortunately a sympathetic member uttered a loud “Amen!” and a crisis was averted.

The mixed crowd of members and guests seated themselves with no direction to great effect as every table wound up with some of each.  The guests [there were no Visiting Rotarians] were an admirable lot representing much of what is good about New Canaan and the conversation was animated and positive.

A feeling of anxiety pervaded the room as Marty exhibited questionable judgment by

failing to waive the Sergeant portion of the meeting.  In intrepid fashion he called on Scott and relied on Scott’s sense of propriety [can you imagine?] to use only appropriate material before collecting his tribute.  There was an audible sigh of relief as Scott nailed the punch line and managed to offend no one.  There were a few notable fines with Sandy Malloy having recently returned from three weeks in Ireland, Amy having just visited Carolyn who is convalescing with new hip at Waveny, and the Samaritan himself for a successful real estate transaction.  

Marty then turned the meeting over to the tubercular Eric who managed, while wheezing, coughing and gagging, to distribute checks to the following organizations, each of which he introduced with a comment or anecdote which made the recipient feel special and worthy.  ABC House, American Red Cross, Americares [Fairfield County free clinics], Carriage Barn Arts Center, Child Guidance Center, Day Care Center of NC, Domus, Getabout, Habitat For Humanity, HALO, Meals on Wheels, NCHS Model United Nations Club, NCHS Scholarship Fund, NC Historical Society, NC Land Trust, NC Mounted Troop, Outback Teen Center, Person to Person, Sister City Project [Norwalk and city in Nicaragua], Staying Put in NC, Summer Theater of NC, Exchange Club Center for Prevention of Child Abuse, Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Fairfield County, and Waveny Care Network.  Each recipient briefly explained the mission of his/her organization and explained the purpose to which our grant would be put.  Always one of the best meetings of the year as we have the opportunity to see and hear a large number of people who have taken different paths to try to improve the human condition and to provide help to those who need it.  Very inspirational and a living embodiment of the Rotary motto of Service Above Self 

Albert Schweitzer

May 23, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                    May 23, 2013

President Marty and Pastor Eric were on their games and got the proceedings started on time and in tune.  Following another delicious Roger repast we discovered that no Visiting Rotarians or visiting guests were in our midst.

Tom Lewis, wearing his Conservation Commission hat, requested that all members call up the Town website, find and fill in the Commission questionnaire which is attempting to create a statistically significant baseline sample to be used in formulating future policy.  The questionnaire will be available through the month of June.

Calling into question the ancestry of the scribe who inexplicably invoked the incorrect date for the Induction Dinner, incoming President Fred Baker left no doubt that he expected all members to be in attendance with their significant others for his coronation on the evening of June 20 at the Roger.  Special guest Chase DiPanni and his 50 year perfect attendance pin are on the agenda.  There will be no luncheon meeting on that day.  What day?  June 20.  The new members’ pop-up park initiative will be unveiled on the next evening, June 21, at the corner of South Avenue and Morse Court.  It will remain open through Sunday.

B.T. Bowler passed on the tragic news that George and Suzanne’s son, Kevin Megrue has passed away.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

John Kerchoff noted the 60th anniversary of the Korean War [technically a U.N. “police action”] and recognized the veterans of that conflict who were sitting humbly amongst us – Burns, Santella and Sisson.  The membership expressed its gratitude for their service.

Dictionary impresario Keith Simpson reported that all dictionaries have been distributed to New Canaan’s third graders and that a school parent Rotarian had been part of the distribution team for each school.  Keith and Marty noted how grateful the youngsters were and how curious they were to use their new possessions.  Keith did express certain concerns regarding the obviously incorrect definitions of words such as “boot,” “banger” and “knickers.”

Laura passed on the shocking news that public relations and event planning guru Carolyn Clark underwent a hip replacement yesterday and is expected to be out of action until the weekend.  Through Laura, Carolyn demanded an audit of the separate accounts for the golf tournament and raffle results.  Treasurer Rob is on notice 

Following another vintage performance from Sgt. Scott fines were collected for Laura’s daughter, B.T.’s son and Marty’s son having birthdays, the passing of Eric’s father-in-law and John Marlow’s father-in-law’s 100th birthday, as well as Cherry Street East’s 45th anniversary [for some reason]. 

For the second week in a row Marty the Magician pulled a program out of a hat.  The Roger’s lovely proprietress Nez joined us and explained the vagaries of staying up-to-date and constantly evolving as a business in today’s environment.  She mentioned the additional level of complexity when one’s business is a historical property.  The Roger Sherman is an upscale restaurant with a 17 room inn attached.  The chef, who has a young family, has found a job which will allow him to be home at nights and on weekends so a new chef, recently of Versailles in Greenwich, will be starting shortly.  Any changes in the menu will be evolutionary as opposed to revolutionary.  Approximately 90% of her customers are NC residents, word of mouth tweaked by social media is her most effective advertising medium, and the simpler food and more casual environment in the bar, though resented by some traditional clients, are necessities for success in today’s market.  Nez is working with a number of town merchants to provide destination packages for out of towners looking for a getaway.  Hopefully she will be successful in all she attempts as the Rotary Club without the Roger, which we have experienced in the past, is not the same or as good as it is in this welcoming venue.

Bill Marriott


May 16, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                       May 16, 2013

Puffed up with pride at the showing of his minions on the golf course a week ago, President Marty showed up and commenced the meeting at the appointed hour.  He led the Pledge after which there was a lengthy silence in Eric’s absence before Marty settled for a blessing an ancient member can still recite by rote 54 years after his graduation from an Episcopal boys prep school.  While it minimally sufficed, it served as a counterpoint to Eric’s beautifully conceived and delivered prayers.

Bob Dora from the Bank of New Canaan was a guest once again.

Marty had hearty congratulations for John Engel, Brock and Tom Cronin for the golf tournament and for Carolyn, Laura and auctioneer Scott for the afterparty.  Both events exceeded expectations , were well attended and enjoyed by all.  The consensus was that the spring date was superior to the previous years when the tournament juxtaposition relative to the Lobsterfest was just too close and that the fall rain was colder than the gentle spring showers.  Great job by all concerned.  Ben then announced that he had been at the Stamford Club following the event and that the enthusiasm was palpable and, in spite of some mild amusement at the Bullet report of the goings on, they are determined to reclaim the Golden Putter next year [if the Wilton interlopers don’t beat them to it].  The advice that the New York City native gave to the tourist who inquired how to get to Carnegie Hall is particularly germane for NC Rotarians in the tournament context – “Practice, practice, practice.”

In a clever segue Sergeant Scott arrived at the podium armed with golf anecdotes he claimed to have overheard from members on the course.  Mildly amusing.  John Bemis contributed a happy dollar for his daughter’s having attained Dean’s List status at Loyola for the third consecutive semester; Keith put in a relieved dollar for Prince Harry having apparently kept his clothes on during his recent visit to the colonies.  On a sad note, we were informed of the death of Eric’s father-in-law.  Condolences to the family.

Marty and Ben then unraveled the new NC Rotary Club banner which will apparently adorn the new pop-up park tent this summer and also will be available for the Lobsterfest.  It may be defective.  The letters appeared to be upside down.  Mark your calendars for the evening of June 6 when the peculiarly American tradition of a bloodless transfer of power from one administration to the next will occur as Marty passes the gavel [although not his set of steps] to the uniformed usurper – Fireman Fred Baker.  Don’t even think about missing the dinner [there will be no lunch meeting on that day].

Marty the Magician then dazzled all in attendance when he produced a speaker out of thin air.  His neighbor, NC Tree Warden Bruce Pauley arrived, was not fed and gave a fascinating presentation explaining the history, care, feeding, planting and pruning of our town trees.  As with so many things we don’t think about all the time the subject is vastly more complicated and interesting than we would necessarily realize.  Bruce did a great job and was inundated with questions from an obviously energized audience.  John Engel, a trustee of the Land Conservation Trust, suggested a possible joint venture with the Town on an arboretum on Land Trust property to grow appropriate trees to replace the many that will die, be blown down in storms and present safety hazards.  Let’s see whether this clever idea can develop traction in our currently politically toxic town.  Thanks to Bruce for his enthusiastic, educational and spontaneous presentation.

Paul Bunyan

Dateline: Augusta North: In a tradition unlike any other... May 9, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                         May 9, 2013

Dateline:  Augusta North:  In a tradition unlike any other, The Prevail Over Polio Open was contested on the hallowed, and somewhat spongy, turf of the Country Club of New Canaan golf course on Thursday, pitting the determined members of the Stamford Rotary Club team  against their rapacious hosts from New Canaan.  In an effort to keep the proceedings from degenerating, a neutral team, led by a pony-tailed prophet, was imported from Wilton.  This maneuver was apparently successful as no reports of physical violence or excessive cheating were reported.  When the dust cleared and the results were computed by the crack CCNC Golf Professional staff it was revealed that the New Canaan squad had retained the Golden Putter.  As this tournament has rapidly attained its status as “the fifth major” this was a monumental achievement which resulted in much euphoria and trash talking among the membership.
As many of our readers are aware, the organization of such a monumental event would be intimidating to normal men and women.  Not so with our intrepid band of superheroes.  In an homage to the Masters’opening, “Hello, I’m Billy Paine” our own “Johnnie” Engel worked the crowd and cordially welcomed the contestants of all stripes.  This year he augmented his staff with young golfing legends Brock “Tiger” Saxe and Tom “Bubba” Cronin who both lightened his load and brought new energy which the aging entrepreneur both needed and welcomed.  Except for the early weather, which was clearly the responsibility of Pastor Eric who apparently got a late start on his conversation with management, the tournament proceeded without a hitch.  Congratulations to Johnnie, Tiger and Bubba.
The cocktail party/ awards ceremony/ raffle portion of the event once again fell under the aegis of Rotary’s answer to Martha Stewart, Carolyn Clark, this year with the able assistance of new member extraordinaire Laura Einstein.  They also greeted and registered all attendees as they entered the Clubhouse, looking glamorous while flanking a tall slender beauty who looked familiar, but was hard to place.  Their raffle prize solicitations, augmented by a few anonymous members, were enthusiastically received by everyone except Joe Rucci who promptly raffled his off as auctioneer extraordinaire Scott “Sergio”  Hobbs moved briskly from winner to winner.  Again, kudos to all who contributed to this satisfying and entertaining portion of the day!
The anticipation is already building for next year’s tournament which we are assured will be bigger and better than ever.  One suggestion which seemed to gain traction was to offer $1.50 pimento cheese sandwiches at the food table.  Tickets for admission to the grounds are passed down from one generation to the next in many families, so jockeying for a coveted place in the gallery is well under way.  From Jim Nance and Nick Faldo, “See you next year.

Since the senior Bulletin correspondent has lapsed into Latin...May 2, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                      May 2, 2013

Since the senior Bulletin correspondent has lapsed into Latin as he enters his eighth decade, and the membership is largely found wanting in this long dead language, it seemed appropriate that a much younger journalist be reinstated at the top of the masthead and charged with the sobering responsibility of reporting the goings-on at the Thursday noon meetings for the paper of record.  Hence, I’m back.
President Marty surprised everyone by showing up, though he was dressed as a rag-picker, calling us to order in a timely fashion, leading the Pledge and calling on a sartorially splendid Pastor Eric for a brief and hurried prayer.  Then off to the chow line with a delicious new offering of tilapia almondine and then to four full tables.
Two guests honored us with their presence.  Chris Snyder introduced his friend Tom Aylward and Keith Simpson presented Valerie Connally who is a local resident and daughter of an enthusiastic Madison, Wisconsin Rotarian father.
Keith reported that the Country School dictionaries have been distributed and those for West School will be given out on May 8 at 9:25 am, St. A’s on the same day at 1:00 pm, East on May 10 at 2:30, and South on May 17 at 2:00.  As he announced the schedule he recruited the elves to assist him at each venue.  A virtuoso performance.
Apparently tech-savvy Jack Horner has volunteered to create a current photo directory of the membership.  This will require each member to furnish Jack with a photo [of his/her face] for inclusion in this much needed document.  I assume emailed phone photos will work.
Helen continues her convalescence and our regularly scheduled meeting for next week will be replaced by the Golf Tournament cocktail party, so the dedication of Ad’s bench will of necessity be postponed until the stars align.  Fred will keep us abreast of developments.
The Engel Open will commence on Thursday May 9 at the Country Club of New Canaan with lunch at noon, golf at 1:00 and cocktails, hors d’ouevres and raffle at 5:30.  Should you miss the festivities be sure to make up the meeting.  It is imperative that all golfers show up with their A games.  The Golden Putter, which is currently in our possession, is at stake
A regrettable and insulting announcement was then made regarding the New Canaan Library’s Conversations With Business Leaders offering this Sunday, May 5 at 5:00 pm in the Lamb Room featuring Chase Carey, President and COO of News Corporation,who oversees Twentieth Century Fox Film, The Wall Street Journal, Skye satellite television in Europe and Asia, and the global Fox television networks in entertainment, sports and news.  There were aspersions cast and the entire membership committed to attending the event in order not to continue to be classified as ill-informed imbeciles.
Sergeant Scott then delivered a grammar lesson and passed among us collecting numerous happy dollars in recognition of splendid outcomes of various Friendship Dinners, from Dr. John on becoming a grandfather yet again, from the aforementioned senior correspondent on the occasion of his eightieth, and from John Burns who is baching it while wife Barbara is off at Lourdes.
While no outside speaker was scheduled we were treated to biography presentations by John Marlow and Laura Einstein.  John explained that he grew up in Madison, WI as the son of a second generation physician who gave John complete freedom to choose any medical specialty as his future career.  He went to St. Thomas College and was one of seven graduating seniors from an original class of 118, then to University of Texas Medical School following a year in the oil fields and on to an eclectic career in managed health care, big pharma, information technology, mergers and acquisitions, and consulting.  He has two sons and an ex-wife.  Laura has a doctorate in Asian Art specializing in Chinese Painting and has worked at both Yale and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  In the future she will be referred to as DOCTOR Einstein!  Her field of interest has evolved to contemporary art and she referenced the Glass House, Norwalk Community College and the Silvermine Guild as local resources.  She has a son at Lehigh and an aspiring singer daughter at NCHS.
Doris Kearns Goodwin

lignum vitae, April 26, 2013

ROTARY BULLETIN-April 26, 2013
            The four table roster had assembled prior to the bell, most all astonished that Marty stood at the ready at 12:15.  He led us in the pledge and called upon Pastor Eric for the blessing.  Spring is reluctantly emerging and today’s temperature approached 58 degrees.  We all luxuriated through a leisurely repast as Marty calmed his nerves communicating on his I Phone.  Then Kevin arrived and in an instant, the group was summoned to attention.  Marty’s first move was to simulate mounting the podium (he forgot to bring the Scott Hobbs Marty Memorial).  Our guests included visiting Rotarian Denise McLaughlin from the Westport Club, and Robert Torra of the Bank of New Canaan.  Fireman Fred thanked all who braved the elements on Saturday last for the Clean Your Mile event.  The golf outing is just two weeks from today, May 9th, and it appears the Stamford Club will add substantially to the number of players.  Your fifty dollar Polio Plus contribution will admit one to the cocktail party and auction after the round for the golden putter.  Carolyn Clark is still agitating for items to add to the cornucopia of goodies being assembled for the raffle.  ADG Ben Bilus continued to pitch for a twenty dollar contribution for the District raffle, the winner to fly off on a whirlwind trip to the continent.  Membership Chairman Fred Baker initiated some thoughts on seeking new members.  More to follow, but surely the incoming District Governor has slapped that on Fred’s agenda.  Keith announced a hiatus in the third grade dictionary giveaways.  Book Plates attached and neatly stacked on cartons, all we needed was for school to reopen after the Spring break.  Nuff said, but Keith still needs willing Rotarians to make the presentations.  More to come on the Tomaselli Bench on South Ave.  It sits happily there for all comers, but the dedication ceremony will take place In due course. 
            Sgt@Arms Scott brought tears to many eyes as he recalled the good old days of Barrack Obama’s Chicago.  I liked it better under Daley.  Scott offered a sad dollar for missing CYM.  Eric was all smiles as he recorded an eleventh anniversary.  Leo could not wait for the girl’s hockey faceoff against Darien.  Amy was pleased to report she received a thank you from Domus for our support for their outdoor recreation area. 
            Black Belts need no introduction but we had David Letterman hosting a video presentation of Leif Becker charging around the Studio with a nonstop onslaught smashing zillions of boards in a sixty second run against the clock.  Leif had his audience spellbound as he overcame the challenges to self awareness and self doubt to finally hit the moment of performance.  We had a lesson in breaking bones or how to crack heads, using social moments for personal growth.  Virginia Rometty’s team could use some of this guy’s motivation and she would have been astounded when, before our very eyes, with one blow of his right hand he split nine boards stacked on a frame.                                                           

(s)        Kung Foo