Friday, July 12, 2013

lignum vitae, April 26, 2013

ROTARY BULLETIN-April 26, 2013
            The four table roster had assembled prior to the bell, most all astonished that Marty stood at the ready at 12:15.  He led us in the pledge and called upon Pastor Eric for the blessing.  Spring is reluctantly emerging and today’s temperature approached 58 degrees.  We all luxuriated through a leisurely repast as Marty calmed his nerves communicating on his I Phone.  Then Kevin arrived and in an instant, the group was summoned to attention.  Marty’s first move was to simulate mounting the podium (he forgot to bring the Scott Hobbs Marty Memorial).  Our guests included visiting Rotarian Denise McLaughlin from the Westport Club, and Robert Torra of the Bank of New Canaan.  Fireman Fred thanked all who braved the elements on Saturday last for the Clean Your Mile event.  The golf outing is just two weeks from today, May 9th, and it appears the Stamford Club will add substantially to the number of players.  Your fifty dollar Polio Plus contribution will admit one to the cocktail party and auction after the round for the golden putter.  Carolyn Clark is still agitating for items to add to the cornucopia of goodies being assembled for the raffle.  ADG Ben Bilus continued to pitch for a twenty dollar contribution for the District raffle, the winner to fly off on a whirlwind trip to the continent.  Membership Chairman Fred Baker initiated some thoughts on seeking new members.  More to follow, but surely the incoming District Governor has slapped that on Fred’s agenda.  Keith announced a hiatus in the third grade dictionary giveaways.  Book Plates attached and neatly stacked on cartons, all we needed was for school to reopen after the Spring break.  Nuff said, but Keith still needs willing Rotarians to make the presentations.  More to come on the Tomaselli Bench on South Ave.  It sits happily there for all comers, but the dedication ceremony will take place In due course. 
            Sgt@Arms Scott brought tears to many eyes as he recalled the good old days of Barrack Obama’s Chicago.  I liked it better under Daley.  Scott offered a sad dollar for missing CYM.  Eric was all smiles as he recorded an eleventh anniversary.  Leo could not wait for the girl’s hockey faceoff against Darien.  Amy was pleased to report she received a thank you from Domus for our support for their outdoor recreation area. 
            Black Belts need no introduction but we had David Letterman hosting a video presentation of Leif Becker charging around the Studio with a nonstop onslaught smashing zillions of boards in a sixty second run against the clock.  Leif had his audience spellbound as he overcame the challenges to self awareness and self doubt to finally hit the moment of performance.  We had a lesson in breaking bones or how to crack heads, using social moments for personal growth.  Virginia Rometty’s team could use some of this guy’s motivation and she would have been astounded when, before our very eyes, with one blow of his right hand he split nine boards stacked on a frame.                                                           

(s)        Kung Foo


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