March 7, 2013
A vaguely familiar diminutive fellow with a croaky voice entered the buffet room at the Roger and circulated anonymously until someone exclaimed, “It’s President Marty!” And so it was. After missing several meetings because of client emergencies, Marty appears to have consolidated his hold on power, snuffing out Fireman Fred’s coup attempt. An awkward meeting between the two was avoided when Fred, chaperoned by Assistant District Governor Ben, decided to attend today’s President-Elect Training Seminar in some remote location. One assumes that Fred will return next week fired up and more ready than ever to seize the levers of power.
Marty forgot to ask for the introduction of Visiting Rotarians and guests. When reminded, he asked for the introduction of Visiting Rotarians and guests. There were no Visiting Rotarians or guests.
Treasurer Rob, who confessed that he coveted his job because it is the only one within Rotary that allows, nay encourages, the holder to be nasty, thanked the members who have brought the dues accounts receivable from a totally unacceptable $26,000 down to a better, but still disappointing, $12,000. If you are one of the remaining deadbeats, kindly bring your account current now.
Friendship Dinner maven Amy announced the current state of the program. She is still waiting to hear from one couple for March 16, two for April 6, one for April 14, two for April 20, and three for April 27. Rsvp to Amy at 203-966-9687 or She intends to finalize the rosters by March 20.
John Engel reminded everyone of his eponymous golf tournament to be held at the Country Club of New Canaan on May 9. The cocktail/auction event following the golf will substitute for that day’s meeting. Marty is expecting 100% attendance with threatened dire consequences for recalcitrants. Carolyn asked everyone to leverage any appropriate contacts for auction items and to contact her with your results.
John Marlow reported that the Pop-Up Art Project is on for June 21 at the intersection of
Sergeant Scott then told a touching story concerning a solution to threatened species. Notable fines came from Ken Campbell who had just returned from skiing in Colorado with some old fraternity brothers, Phil McClain for a weekend in Austria and Miami [honest], Jim Cole on the occasion of his 76th birthday, and Scott for an upcoming trip to Hong Kong and Ho Chi Min City.
Program Chair Jim, looking not a day over 74, then introduced Town Hall Building Committee Chair Michael Avgerinos to brief us on the progress to date for the restoration, remodeling and additions to the Town Hall. When Mike started speaking and referenced a recent conversation with Planning and Zoning Czar Lazlo Papp one could only wonder who the interpreter could have been. No offense intended. Mike explained that the current committee is the third and has been meeting for some time to design and construct a revitalized Town Hall which will house about 55 employees [roughly the number that work there now], be ADA compliant, and will increase the square footage from 28,000 to 33,000. The original building was built in 1909 and added to over the years. The current intent is to maintain the façade facing
Robert Moses
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