Rotary Bulletin 9/6/07
Again this week the bell rang as if by magic as no one was apparently standing next to it when it sounded at 12:15. Upon closer inspection, as the words, “I pledge allegiance…,” emanated from a space below table top height, ex-president Nancy was seen standing on tip toe trying to see and be seen above the projector which had been set up on the table in anticipation of today’s program. The same dispossessed voice then entreated Chaplain Ad for a blessing which featured more original Shakespeare from the short swarthy bard. An auspicious beginning to a meeting already memorable for the perfect September day on which it was held.
Following a particularly delicious meal from the old innkeeper himself,
Nancy then called on Lobsterfest impresario Scott Hobbs who reached back to his army days in an attempt to motivate the troops to sell, sell, sell; get their checks in to Scott; search for sponsors; and sign up for work shifts. On this latter subject, please be aware that our ability to give money away to the numerous worthwhile agencies that request it each year is directly related to how much money we raise at the Lobsterfest. Inasmuch as we are, in addition to our weekly fun and fellowship, about service to our fellow man, we have an obligation to show up in force to make the Lobsterfest a smashing success. To this end it was decided that each Rotarian would be responsible to create and deliver to the Historical Society on friday morning, 9/14, 30, not 24, desserts in the plastic shells which will be distributed next week. As Ad Tomaselli, the conscience of the club stated, we should throw out the sign-up sheets and everyone should work both days, all day. He also said the trains should run on time. So, if you don’t want a Mussolini solution to the labor problem at future events, show up as often as possible, stay as long as possible, and work as hard as possible. Hopefully, enough said.
Non-member Roy Riggio then rose to introduce YMCA Executive Director Craig Panzano who presented a particularly poignant program concerning the NC YMCA Kibera Partnership Initiative. Kibera is a slum about six miles outside of
Next week’s program will feature the return of our esteemed president and the annual visit from our new District Governor, Ernie Luise. Let’s make Amy look good!
Albert Schweitzer
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