Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin January 17

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                      January 17, 2007


Even though ex-president Nancy apparently boycotted her able successor, President Amy crisply called the meeting to order, led the Pledge [although those crowding to the head of the chow line found hearing her from the other room difficult], and, in Ad’s absence, called on bow tie wearing John Engle for a straight up, plain vanilla Catholic blessing.


Art Duell brought Rob Avery as his guest for the second time and Visiting Rotarians Paul Burnham and John Winterly were in the house.


Amy again thanked Tom Weilenmann for his generosity regarding the Christmas Dinner and pointed out that Tom has the credibility of the Roger Sherman on the line when patrons pay for their dinner.  When we sign up to work it is, therefore, critical that we do as we have committed to do.  If an insufficient number of volunteers signs up Tom can manage with more staff, but if we sign up and then don’t show up, he is hosed.  For the 2008  dinner, let’s not hose Tom!


Amy then reviewed some of the Rotary International Foundation accomplishments for 2007, including $133,000,000 to Polio Plus.  Since the program’s initiation in 1985 more than two billion children in 210 countries have been immunized!  This effort is, I believe, unprecedented in human history.  Make sure to include a generous contribution to the Foundation in your personal philanthropy.


Phil McLain still needs a few dollars to underwrite the New Canaan elementary school dictionary project. If you would like to help, see Phil.  The dictionaries will be distributed the second week in February.


David Bryant rose for the first time [foreshadowing] to announce that the application period for our $17,000 Lobsterfest proceeds and $6,350 Christmas Dinner take was upon us.  All applications must be in hand by March 14, when the distinguished Allocations Committee will begin deliberations.


The performer in Bill Walbert then overcame his natural reticence and he leapt to his feet to no apparent purpose, said something about bills for last quarter being sent out next week and then retreated to his seat.


Amy then announced two coming attractions with spouses/significant others.  First, the Valentine’s luncheon on February 14, followed the next week, February 21, by the second annual Losers Dinner for those few unwashed still in New Canaan during vacation week when the town winners all depart for more luxurious surroundings.  Kindly email your availability for these events to Amy so she can prepare the Roger Sherman.


Sergeant Scott then related another of the ecumenical tales that have become such Club favorites.


New-ish member Roy Riggio was requested to provide us with a glimpse into his background in the form of a bio.  Like David Bryant, he was born in Brooklyn, where he also attended St. John’s.  He played baseball and studied paper.  He then spent his service years playing baseball for the Army in Europe before returning to the States where he entered the paper business, eventually starting his own company.  He enjoyed traveling widely and being exposed to many cultures during his career.  He mentioned never having previously encountered a culture quite like the NC Rotary Club.  He served on the Board of Education, several years as Chairman, and has done counseling for nursing home patients and, at Lapham, for seniors trying to navigate the mysteries of Medicare Part D.  His presentation clearly contradicted the prevailing opinion that anyone sponsored by Rucci the Elder could not become much of a member.


Following Roy, that other well-known Brooklyn resident, David Bryant, late of the Yankelovich polling outfit, ran a scientifically impeccable quiz which proved incontrovertibly that Dennis Kucinich will be our next president.  Following his prescient prediction of four years ago that Al Sharpton would be elected, David is developing quite a following.


Dick Morris


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