Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Rotary Bulletin Oct 2

Rotary Bulletin


October 2, 2008


The sunny was shining, the room was packed with members, the food was delicious and the Rotary Club was in full swing. President Rucci opened the meeting on time and with a flash of good humor, belying his heritage.

Guests included the always welcome, an officially still a member Chase DiPanni and John Freeters. Missing for a long time, but back was Art Duel and Nancy Robinson who was not fined for sitting at the dolly table consisting of herself, Amy Wilkinson, Sandy Malloy, Carolyn Clark and George Baker who was allowed seating privileges because of his sensitivity and his ability to always be in touch with his feminine side.

A request from our leader.


Lobsterfest receipts and proceeds are still being sought. So if you have money, pay up and if you are looking for money, it has been reported that we have liquidity of funds.

Please make note on your calendar well in advance and possibly be thinking up ideas regarding the exciting and much anticipated 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club of New Canaan in March of 2009. So far plans have been made to bronze Joe Rucci and place him permanently next to the million dollar hot dog stand.

We have a request for lightly used children’s shoes for Afghanistan from the SLOBS who would like us to pay for boxes and shipping. A 70 lb box costs only $18 to ship. A really wonderful idea, which will mean a lot to these kids. As usual, drop the shoes off at Hobbs International, along with any kids that need babysitting, items you want discarded, memorabilia, etc.

Apparently there are photos still on the website showing Frank Bernardo’s fall from grace.

Congrats to Scott Hobbs and group who garnered 3 HOBI awards this year for large and medium homes as well as renovations.

Ted Bonner was our speaker and spoke of the effects of global warming and the importance of going green with our residential and commercial buildings. He spoke persuasively of the ability of corporate American to reduce greenhouse gases. People, Planet and Profits was the byword. Ted discussed the financial benefits of maintaining and operating a green building including his own building at 94 Elm Street. He emphasized that it is important for American to get in front of the technology and establish ourselves as world leaders.

Joe Rucci reported that he now heats his house entirely with propane which allows him to kill deer in his backyard and cook them on his radiator, or baseboard or something. Joe’s house for venison!!



Joe Sixpack


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