Tuesday, July 01, 2008

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                                      June 26, 2008


On a lovely summer evening the members and significant others gathered at the Roger to celebrate the successful conclusion of Amy’s  presidential year and to get a preview of the year to come under the tyrannical reign of Rucci The Younger.  The happiest person in the room was Amy’s doting husband, Bruce, who scored perfect attendance at every service project and fund raiser during Amy’s year.


As Amy brought the meeting to order for the final time, she led the Pledge and then called on Tomaselli, Helen not Ad, for the blessing.  Helen delivered a prayer worthy of a seasoned preacher.  It was beautifully delivered, thoughtful, on point [even drawing in the Rotary theme for the coming year], and induced in the group a wish to put service above self.  All in all a highlight of the evening.


Amy called for the introduction of our guests and the normal lame old saws once again reared their heads.  In addition, this year, leaving no doubt about the aging of the membership, a contest emerged to see what couple had been married the longest.  Ad and Helen, at one hundred ten, took the prize.  Robert Mugabe was the fact checker.


Amy then walked us through a synopsis of her very active year.  She even took time to lament the absence of old Desert Dave, to which various members queried, “Who?”  She received a warm round of applause for a year well led and a job well done.  It was deemed especially significant in light of the virtually unanimous resolve not to have another woman president after Nancy.  Just kidding, Nancy.


With the elder Rucci and the lady to be referred to during David’s tenure as “The Queen Mother” in the audience, President David brought up all the Rotary arcana he has learned at the numerous leadership confabs he has attended to prepare him for this challenging assignment.  Most of the membership seemed simply baffled by his remarks, but the wine was good so no one left.  There was a subtle undertone of threat in David’s remarks and more than one Rotarian was heard to question the wisdom of not living up to our new leader’s expectations.  It is always interesting to see whether the new president will lead the Club or be overwhelmed with the task of herding the group of independent, outspoken, strong willed, and largely ignorant fools who comprise the membership.  David took the first tentative steps in establishing hegemony over the Balkanized rabble. Good luck David.


Happy Birthday America!


George Washington


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