Friday, July 12, 2013

January 10, 2013

New Canaan Rotary Club Bulletin                                         January 10, 2013

Marty has effectively silenced the kibitzers by aggressively waving his nuclear phone with the Greenwich mean time display at them and then calling the meeting to order at 12:15 according his technologically superior instrument.  Pastor Eric was absent today because of the death of his father.  Substituting for Eric, Associate Pastor John Kerchoff offered his condolences and recited the Roman Catholic prayer for the dead.  Very moving.

Following yet another tasty repast served up by the talented Roger Sherman kitchen staff  the membership picked the seeds from their teeth and directed their attention to President Marty.  He invited all recently inducted members to stand so that all were aware of who they were and he entreated everyone to reach out and welcome all the newbies.  Good idea.  When Marty asked for the introduction of visiting Rotarians and guests a lone figure rose and, recollecting the movie Twins with Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwartzeneger, announced that he was President Marty’s twin brother.  It was nice to have Steve Risbridger back in the room. 

Ben Bilus then announced that the foundation for the Adolph Tomaselli Memorial Bench was being poured on South Avenue in front of St. Aloysius.  The bench has been received and assembled and will be installed when the foundation has cured.  The weather forecast is for excellent curing temperatures, unusual for this time of year without divine intervention.

Foundation Chair John Bemis then reported on a Time Magazine article regarding the status of the effort to eliminate polio from the planet and Rotary’s leadership of that initiative.  He has emailed a copy to all members and everyone should read it and feel proud of what our worldwide organization is accomplishing.  He then awarded Scott Hobbs his Sapphire Paul Harris pin emblematic of $1,000 contribution to the Rotary International Foundation for five years.  Congratulations and thanks to Scott.

Marty’s twin then arose and announced that he “had nuthin’.”  To illustrate that point he tried a joke and then moved among us, plate in hand.  Steve had a happy $20 for his visit with Past President Richard Brookshire, Laura a grateful $20 for  Alice Knapp’s tenure at the NC Library, John Bemis a happy $10 for his daughter having been named to the Dean’s List at NCAA Lacrosse National Champion Loyola College, and George Magoo a happy something for having one of his photos [there were a number of rude remarks about the subject of said photo] accepted into the Carriage Barn Art Show.

John Engel then addressed the meeting regarding his gratitude to his fellow Rotarians for their support and generosity during the recent tragedy in Sandy Hook which claimed the life of his young niece, Olivia.  He had special thanks for Joe Rucci who not only offered his professional services pro bono, but was able to help John, because of his extensive experience in disaster relief, navigate some of the complexity surrounding a difficult, highly emotional and leaderless situation.  John related some personal experiences, some lessons learned, and acknowledged the 500 people, including many NC Rotarians, who attended the wake and the thousands who came to the funeral.  He was not complimentary of the politicization of the tragedy, but commented on the surprising sensitivity of the press, the remarkable 850,000 Facebook hits from all over the world pledging solidarity with the grieving families, and the importance of channeling one’s philanthropy through credible entities such as Rotary and Americares.  Thanks and admiration to John for his family’s support of his cousin and his family following this devastating tragedy and for sharing his observations with us.

Jim Cole then introduced our program presenter for the day, New Canaan resident for either 6 or 26 years, a distinguished member of our Club, former Exxon executive and Board member Don McIvor.  Don enlightened us about the technology, the geology, the economics and the public perception of the process of fracking for oil and natural gas.   The technology is not new, but a combination of two long established methods of oil and gas extraction – hydro-fracking and horizontal drilling – which has largely been the result of development by U.S. small and mid-cap oil companies.  The results have been revolutionary and are now being successfully employed around the globe.  Don doubts that we will become energy independent any time soon, but acknowledges that a combination of the expansion of extraction technology and continued emphasis on conservation will greatly reduce our reliance on foreign oil and gas.  He touched on tar sand extraction technology as a clear cut case of riches vs. the environment and suggested checking Fort McMurray, Alberta on Google Earth to view the environmental degradation caused by this activity.  Fascinating discussion of a critical and timely subject.  As has been frequently observed in this space, many of our best programs come from our own members.  This was another example. 

J. Paul Getty


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